Friday, February 26, 2016

[Kusoge Review] Persona 4 Dancing All Night

I told myself not to review anything outside the otome genre... But Persona 4 Dancing All Night obviously wouldn't let me do that oh no. All reviews I've seen have actually had the gall to recommend this. And I guess, If Persona 4 is your favorite game series ever, it's hard to tell you not to. But myself being a huge Persona fanboy, along with all things SMT and most ATLUS games, myself? I wish I could have gotten my money back.

Monday, February 22, 2016

[Otome Game Review] A Troll's Fairy Tale

A Troll's Fairy Tale is a game that was made for NaNoReNo, an event where people try to make games within a month. I'm actually participating this year (2016) so not only did I play it for fun, but also for some inspiration along with a few other non-otome VN's. The version I played was a bit polished up, released three months after the original version. I'm not sure what all's different, but I did notice the CG's had a bit more polish to them compared to the sprites (One noticeable difference being how the artist drew Acacia's hair in the CG's compared to her sprite.) But enough with the small bits, let's talk about the actual game here.

Monday, February 15, 2016

GrapeCity Con

So, this isn't otome game related, but I wanted to do coverage of my local towns con anyways :P

[Otome Game Review] Cupid [16+]

Just in time for Valentines day, a visual novel about that mischievous angel of love! This game doesn't SHOW any details of body parts, but it's still very much not safe for work, so I'll be warning for that ahead of time. It also have very bloody disturbing parts, and pretty much anything people find unnerving is in here somewhere (mentions of rape, abuse, suicide, etc) What a lovely game to play on Valentines Day, right? Also, this game isn't really something I'd consider too much of an otome. Romance is there, yes, but it feels like it's in it's own category or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass

The interesting thing about this game is that you, the player, do not take the role of the main character. Instead, you take the role of a voice inside her head called 'Mother' That guides her by either being a super abusive bitch or a slightly less abusive mother that actually shows a semblance of caring for her daughter.

Monday, February 8, 2016

[Otome Game Review] Seduce Me the Otome

Getting Seduced by Incubi? Why does this sound familiar...

Repetitive titles for the win!!!

Ahem, this is an otome game I've had my eyes on for awhile now but never got around to actually playing it until around November, and I was pretty slow even then X,D I think it's the art style that caught me off. The anatomy's fine for the most part but the faces looked really bad at certain points! The main thing that kept me going was the voice acting. In fact, it's what got me interested in it. Seiyuus nice, but I always had a fondness for english voice actors and would like more otome games to get an english dub (outside of anime versions that usually will get dubbed....) And I've always wanted to be a voice actor and did some amateur fandubbing myself so I really appreciate the effort they put into this game.

It's a bit ironic that in October I was playing an otome game (Cute Demon Crashers) about Incubus and a Succubus and here I am in February reviewing another game with about the same setting.  They may have a lot of the same choices in it, but Seduce Me and Cute Demon Crashers are very different in tone and what they mean to accomplish. Seduce Me is more of a forbidden love story with deep lore while Cute Demon Crashers is more of a nukige, I'd actually compare Seduce Me's Plot more to DiabolikLovers with a dash of Shin Megami Tensei thrown into the mix. Looks like Incubi are becoming the new Vampires in the world of otome...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Review Plans for February - March

Taking it a bit easy on my wallet these months, as I'm planning only free game reviews. Being free usually means it's short and this also helps give me some more time to play through other side otomes casually. That doesn't mean I'm not buying otome games this month, but they're all in Japanese and I'm not the best at Japanese so I don't want to mess with that, so they're only for private enjoyment.

Planned games:

Seduce Me The Otome
A Troll's Fairy Tale

I've already played a route in Seduce Me, but the others I havn't touched, just have them downloaded on my computer so far.  As for imports, I'll be getting Diabolik Lovers, Vita Edition, Cause I want to see whats so hyped up about it. I'm prepared for the inevitable disappointment like when I played Hakuoki. Other than that I'm really interested in CollarxMalice, just wish they'd announce the script writer already. My friends are telling me to play Norn9, and since it got translated expect a review of it... sometime this year probably.

[Otome Game Review and Reccomendations] A Knight's Devotion

Stabbed through the heart-- and you're to blame.

Back at it with another Voltage app review! This game is a lot older than 10 Days With My Devil though, like... I think it came out before Love Letter from Theif X old. It's also pretty much been abandoned by Voltage, so you don't have to worry about more sub stories and that coming out! Alltogether I think this app comes to cost $45 if you want all the routes and their epilogues and sequels. A blessing seeing as I spent over 100 on 10dwmd! Yeah, I have no life. This app also doesn't connect to the Sweet Cafe but I don't play enough voltage apps to really care about Sweets Cafe in the first place!! But that might be a turn off for Voltage enthusiasts?? Then again, if you're a voltage enthusiast you've probably already played this game 3 years ago huh!!

You play as a Princess (Who I named Yoshi. Thinking on it now, Peach would have been a better name, huh?)  that was raised most of their life as a commoner in a small village, unaware that she's actually royalty! One day a bunch of guys that look like Ku Klux members except in black, not white sheets, come and try to kidnap you. A bunch of hot (?) guys along with your childhood friend save you and tell you you are the princess of Rapier kingdom and that you must return home! But there are troubles ahead seeing as Gladius Kingdom wants the Royal Family dead, and now that you have been revealed, GOTTA WATCH YO BACK. So then you choose who you want to be your protector and live the runaway life to your castle wooo!