Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Review Plans for July - August

Sorry about disappearing for a few months, though... I don't think people really look at my blog LOL. My computer died for a couple of months, and I got it workable at the end of June. So now I'm back to talking to myself about otomes on blogger.

Downloaded Memoirs of an Angel after the update was announced, and started playing through it already so a review of that? Definitely. Other than that I'm playing Narcissu which isn't an otome, and bought Fire Emblem Fates but I play as a boy my first time around and depending on how burnt out I feel I may do a run through as female and review it. I also got Dangan Ronpa 1 on Steam so I got a lot of non otome to play. So basically, this is mostly a time where I'm playing non otome games.  I'm also going to an anime con in August and possibly going camping so...

However, I did download After School Affairs, and bought OZMAFIA!! on Steam. I feel like the OZMAFIA review won't be coming for a long time though...
Currently I've played all the guys main routes in After School Affairs, and making my way into sequels and special stories. As for Memoirs, I completed the King guy's route, and OZMAFIA I'm working on romancing Scarlet right now (BEST BOY BEST BOY!)

Review Schedule:
Memoirs of an Angel
After School Affairs
Fire Emblem Fates (Possibly)
OZMAFIA!! (Possibly if I spend all my free time playing it LOL)