Sunday, January 17, 2016

[DLC Overview and Recommendations] Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi

So as some might know by now, there is a shit ton of DLC for Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi on the PSN. When I got into the Stories segment I was honestly getting curious and looked up any overviews of the DLC online to see if they're good or not. Surprisingly, no one seemed to care about the DLC. Maybe because it's PS3 this version didn't have as huge of a userbase or what? I managed to find a person on youtube that uploaded all of the story DLC's online at least, but I decided might as well just throw my money at Aksys for the story DLC because while I did buy the game, I bought it from someone on Amazon, so I figured might as well give them some direct money for Hakuoki and wound up spending a TON more than I did on the actual full game lol. Anyways, here;s an Overview on the DLC which is basically me telling you whether buying each DLC is worth it or not. I won't be listing the free DLC as it's free so I don't see why anyone would care and just Download them themselves? Yeah lol.

Hakuoki: SotS - A Meeting of Demons (about $8): This is a short story about Princess Sen and well... pretty much every other demon except Chizuru meeting!! It was really short and had no CG's or anything... What the hell? This was nearly 8 dollars!! What a ripoff!! Especially when compared to other DLC-- Left Behind DLC for the Last of Us is only 2 dollars more and is like it's own self contained game, acting as a fleshed out prequel. This is just some crappy 10 minute thing of the demons talking to each other about the imperial palace, like, who cares? Definitely don't buy, it's a waste of your money. And like I said, someone on youtube has the Story DLCs uploaded so if you REALLY wanna know whats the hip hap with Sen-hime, just watch it on youtube. It's really NOT worth your money at all. TL;DR: DON'T BUY IT! IT'S A RIPOFF!

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Content Under the Blossoms (about $3): While Meeting of Demons was a ripoff this one at least comes with a CG!! I've never played Memories of the Shinsengumi but it says on PSN this was included with it, so if you have Memories don't get it. Harada's was kind of boring in comparison to the other guy's Memories DLC that I am completely blanking out on what happened! TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, Get if Harada is your husbando.

Hakuoki: SotS -Memories - Fading Autumn Leaves (about $3): This is the same series as Content Under the Blossoms, except it's Okita instead of Harada, so all on what I said about Harada's apply to this. I liked this one a lot more than Harada's (especially since I forgot what happened in Harada's) It starts with Okita terrorizing the Shinsengumi a little and then Hijikata ordering him to see the leaves over the mountain with Chizuru. He starts teasing Chizuru and when Heisuke asks to come with he tells everyone to GTFO cause it can only be him and Chizuru together. When they get to the mountain Okita angsts a bit about his Tuberculosis and then asks what'd happen if he jumped off the cliff. Chizuru holds onto him to make sure he doesn't do it and Okita says how cute she is and how fun it is to make fun of her X,D His CG looked like he was falling off the cliff too. TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, pretty good short story (at least for me who's husbando is Okita lol)

Hakuoki: SotS -Memories - Fateful Moonless Night (about $3): Another in the 3DS memories series with Hijikata as the focus. This takes place on the night Chizuru comes to Kyoto with Hijikata finding out how some Furies got loose and marches out to get ready to kill them and they talk about what if there are any witnesses and shit. It had a few Moon analogy like Hijikatas route likes to make, with Chizuru being the moon. Eh it was pretty boring and meaningless backstory into why the Furies were out that night. Felt like laziness for Hijikatas Memory, they could have chosen a much better point for his than before meeting Chizuru. The CG you get is pretty hot though at least XD TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, meaningless prologue backstory, get if Hijikatas your husbando.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - For Good or Ill ($5): The enemy interaction DLCs are, I'm guessing, exclusive to the PS3 version since there was no mention of the 3DS port. So this is only available for SotS. The stories told from Shiranui's perspective and you see how much he cares for humans. In general I liked all the enemy interaction DLC's, this one especially. I like his bromance with Harada and he shows up the day Harada and Chizuru are preparing to leave Japan cause apparently he has a brodar and knows what his bro's are up to.  TL;DR: Has a CG, short but good,

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Like a Flower Blooming Madly ($5): An enemy interaction DLC with Chikage and Hijikata. The gaydar is through the roof with Chikage cause half of this has him complaining about humans and then Hijikata smashes his human expectations through the roof and he keeps going on about how interesting Hijikata is and stuff. If you like some feelings of Foe Yay then this is the DLC for you. Needless to say I liked seeing Chikage's gaydar going all over the place XD Tl;DR: Has a CG, lots of Foe Yay feels.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Madness ($5): There's literally no reason for you to buy this one, because it unlocks in the game after you do Okita's route. That's all I'm gonna say here. Just play Okita's route and boom! Free.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Never Boring (about $3): Memories from Chikages view, likehis one with Hijikata you get some Foe Yay feels and he talks about the Yukimura clan and how it'd be nice if he could have met the clan leader. Then it jumps to him  and Chizuru and Chizuru being the Shinsengumi fan that she is and Chikages like "Ah yes I was right, being with Yukimura-chan is never boring" Cause he is secretly also gay for Hijikata.TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, Some Foe Yay feels along with your ChiChi pair.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Something Important (About $3): This was the most interesting Memories for me because the whole thing was Heisuke getting cockblocked by the other guys XD Like, he keeps thinking up things to do to cheer up a depressed Chizuru but all the other guys beat him to the punch and does what he was planning to do. This is also how he got the hairpin he gives Chizuru in the Stories last chapter, but as luck would have it Sanan gave her a hella expensive hairpin too so he saved it to give to her later when she no longer dressed like a man. TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, Funniest Memories where Heisuke gets cockblocked by everyone.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - First Snow (About $3) As if Hijikata's wasn't boring enough this one just kinda flew right by me. It's about Saito watching the snow and I think that's about it? Okay, Otomate, WE KNOW SAITO LIKES THE SNOW. TL;DR: Has a CG, don't get if own 3DS version, just plain boring.

Hakuoki: SotS - Memories - Waxing and Waning of the Moon ($5) And on that follow up Saito's enemy interaction with Amagiri was the weakest of the bunch, mostly because the two are mostly just this kind of quiet respect for each other and isn't that interesting of a dynamic when compared to the others. However, in this you learn a bit about Kimigiku, namely, Kimigiku is not her birthname. Ehhh :/ whatever.  Tl;DR: Has a CG, Learn more about Kimigiku I guess.

Hakuoki: SotS - The Life and Times of Yukimura the Page (About $8) Just like Princess Sen's DLC this doesn't have any CG's and is a massive ripoff. However, I did enjoy it a bit more than A Meeting Between Demons. Not enough to recommend it of course cause the stories are so short. The plot is basically Chizuru wants to make the guys something special for dinner to lighten up the mood and madness ensues as all the other captains help in some way. TL;DR: DON'T BUY IT! IT'S A RIPOFF!

That's it for the Story DLC's. 

There's also Portrait DLC's but lets be honest here. Why pay 15$ for them altogether when you can just buy an artbook for Hakuoki? They also split the portraits from Furie version and regular so basically you haveto buy the same outfits again just they all have red eyes and white hair or white hair, green eyes, and Oni horns. Yeah it's really not worth it.

Most of the DLC involved is a ripoff, so I suggest if you're thinking about buying any to carefully reread what I said about them all and think hard about whether it's worth the price. Please also remember the story's last around the same length as one Memories of Love scenario. I hope this helps anyone in the future looking into getting the DLC's but aren't sure and I'm always free to answer any questions about the DLC if you are still not sure if it's worth it :)


  1. Ah, thank you so much for this! Helped me find what I really wanted from the DLC and overall saved me fourteen bucks!

    1. You're welcome~ I'm glad it helped you out!
