Thursday, July 20, 2017

(RAGEQUIT) A prince, a house steward, and an assassin. [Otome Game Review]

I've played my fair share of shitty mobage games in my time. Whether it's using babelfish to translate the text, or their engine is bullshit and crashes every other second, I've experienced a good amount of shitty games. Fast forward to now with me trying to play this game. WEW. At least with the others I could play through them in their entirety if  I just stayed determined, but this game goes as far as to frustrate you. This is less a review of the game and more a review of the insane practices HuneX has done for this app.

The first time I played I did Ouji's route and was like "How come there were literally no CG's? Even the promo on the App store showed what looked like an Ouji CG, what's up?" So I decided to watch videos on Tapastic until I worked up enough points (240 BTW and most videos only give you 1 point have fun HAHA) And when I finally did I was able to see CG's in game now. As I'm writing this, I unlocked CG's yesterday. I didn't finish Ouji's route because Hurrr ran out of tickets Hurrr. And when I woke up this morning I entered the App to get my tickets for the day and guess what? Not only. NOT ONLY. Not. Only. Was Gallery locked again, but my save file was erased. Meaning? So what does that mean? You have to play over from the beginning and amass another 240 points to view CG's. I dunno about you, but isn't that bullshit? I already was done the moment I saw Gallery was locked again. I'm not that much of a fool to donate $4.00 to see if Gallery gets unlocked and STAYS unlocked. Frankly, only an idiot would give this company money.

The practices HuneX has done for this game makes me incredibly weary of playing any of their other apps. And more than that, I just plain don't want to support a company that fucks over their userbase. You want people to spend money, it's understandable. HuneX is a company. They need to survive SOMEHOW. But how about instead of this one day save file one day Gallery bullshit, learn from companies like Voltage with their F2P model.

Oh also their translations suck. If they even translated it that is. I have a feeling they just dumped the whole script into google translate and called it a day. One of my favorite lines was Nazuna (the MC) saying she "Almost died of my hearts" when it would be "Almost had a heart attack" I'm assuming here.

I'd rather play Taisho Alice than this cause at least I get to keep my save files, view the CG's, and have a laugh over the terrible voices. Though I'm not giving E2 Gaming even a penny either.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review. I it's over two years old. I just want to say, I spent the $4 on this app a year ago, deleted it and forgot about it, redownload it and everything works great. Haven't had to respond that $4 again. It's worth the cost.

    The saying, "Time is money" is true. I hate Voltage's and Shall We Date's free to play model. There's no chance to even purchase a pay to read through option with their models. At least Hunnex allows us the choice of F2P or P2P.

    Y, some Voltage and SWD apps are P2P but they're all old. Even Love 365's newly written stories are Love Choice locked. They're morons for not keeping that in Lovestruck. They even took away some P2P apps away from those who bought them. SWD is doing the same. It's a big money grab. I support this model that Hunnex has done and hate the new model I heard they went to.
