Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pyrite Heart Review

Sometimes in life, you've just gotta get out that desire to be a Tsundere Princess I guess.

Funny story here. This is long and only subtly about the game, not even related to Steam release so skip this paragraph if you only wanna know about how sizzling hot these pixel men really are. I actually had played the free voiced version. To the point I had been around when the original free version-- which i assume to be the same as the Steam version I just played-- came out and I waited for the voiced version to come out. I love English dubs of otome games and want more of that stuff. And Amanda Lee was Ahri. I played the voiced version completely through Ryuu's route (Including the maid ending which gets you a  uh. normal ending i guess), and halfway through Kenta's route. Halfway through Kenta's route MY LAPTOP DIED. And by the point I had gotten a new one, the Steam release came and the free version was deleted. You can't find the voiced version anymore, and it's really honestly rude if you get it now and i would consider that pirating. Though I wish the voiced version was still available, faults and all, I understand the legal bindings behind that shit. Winged Cloud wanted to make money off their game and those people were doing it for free. Completely understandable and now Winged Cloud stands atop their mountain of Sakura Spirit money. (You'd think since I'm a guy I'd have played that and not Pyrite Heart. I... don't like fanservice games much) I actually had commented on their Facebook a long LONG time ago commenting about the voiced version and the otome game they were developing at the time (Are they even still doing that? Blog had an update but uh..) the voiced version only had main characters voiced so that'd be a whopping 3 VOICES and sometimes they said something different from text or didn't even record a line of dialog. I still hold that version to my heart and cry internally over my laptops death. Hey, I got it when it was released so I'm no pirate i'm not gonna look for a download and even bought the game TWICE on Steam (One for me, one for a friend since I saw it was on her wishlist) So I think I've done my deed to Winged Cloud. And subsequently didn't spend a single dime on Sakura Spirit TAKE THAT fanservice otaku pandering games.

Anyway on to the inferior version of the games review. If you came here from the Steam Review link I am so sorry for talking about the far superior free version that no longer exists. At least we have trading cards and stuff. I'll never get any boosters tho sob.

I'm going to become overlord of the masses! Kill any that oppose!

Ahri Remono is the prior alluded to Tsundere Princess of a kingdom that looks like modern Japan but the monastery all look European? She thinks she's the best piece of slice ever, everyone's inferior, plebes. etc. A rich girl raised with a golden, diamond-crusted spoon pretty much. She makes a bet with her brother at the start of the game that she can survive a week of normal peasant school. While there, she becomes rivals with the School's Student Council President, Ryuu, and challenges him to a cook off at the end of the week because she..pffft. She thought he sucked at cooking. Later on you'll find out who the terrible cook is (Hint: It's not Ryuu) Oh also her man servant goes to school there too apparently. What's so interesting about this game, despite it's length, is that Ahri isn't a cardboard cutout character. She's just as important as everyone else, not a self insert. Her high headed holier than thou attitude might annoy some, but I find her Tsundere-ness adorable.

Ryuu's route:
It's like Black Butler all over again.

Ryuu is the jerkhead Student Council President, at least according to Ahri's monologue; He's actually a really nice guy. Other than Kenta, he's pretty much the only guy at school that stays friendly with you. Understandably why she's so disliked though, for calling everyone idiotic plebs and the like. He's her rival in being the smartest and most skilled in school. One interesting choice branch has to do with either if you pass a test or not. You can either get a Maid Ahri CG or a Butler Ryuu CG depending on if you win the test or not. Both were pretty entertaining and reccomend doing both winning and losing to see it's differences.

I like Ryuu a lot. His route is very nice, and the relationship they have in the game is really cute. Ahri's tsundereness and Ryuu's blunt honesty can get some entertaining dialog between them. He also decides to help Ahri with baking a cake for their showoff, instead of leaving her alone to utterly fail. And possibly die from an explosion. She really does not know how to cook AT ALL.

They're the canon pairing in this game and you can really really tell. It just feels right for them to get together. Even Kenta says they have lots of similarity between each other. He helps her evolve and she helps him smile. What more could you want in a relationship really?

Their ending concludes nicely if you get the best ending and it was an enjoyable fun read through for a first playthrough of the game.

Kenta's route:
"Uuuuu am I kawaii, senpai?"
Playing through I kinda figured Kenta was gonna be the guy I liked. Though Ryuu's route turned out to be so good and Kenta's left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it's because it took me a long long time to get my hands on the steam release and complete his route or not but I have a more fonder opinion of Ryuu's route.

Kenta is Ahri's servant. He goes to school at a regular school and just so coincidentally had to be the one Ahri went to during her bet. Not so coincidentally seeing as he got ordered to watch Ahri. He's really good at Basketball and uh... He's loved Ahri prior to this game. He has a huge issue because he loves Ahri, but she's a princess, and being around her anymore will hurt him, and later when it's shown they feel the same way--THEM, because she'll be married off to some prince someday soon. So it's an angst fest in some ways.

That said though, Kenta is a huge dumbo sweetheart. Falling asleep while studying cakes to use in the bakeoff, getting in a food fight, they can be pretty adorable together.

I found the way he handled his issue for most of the route to be frustrating though. You don't just run away from your feelings. Probably no surprise here, but Ahri's the one that takes their relationship to the next level. Step it up senpai.

Pyrite Heart is a nice starter otome. I'd rank it up along games like RE:Alistair or Pacthesis games. It looks nice and professional at first glance. I mean just LOOK at that art. The artist put a lot of work into them. Sprites and all. CG's aren't just the same pose or emotion for the whole scene, it changes during the dialog. But I don't think it's worth it to buy it on Steam. I may have talked about it positively for a good part of this review. And I honestly LIKE the game. 

But as someone that's been around since the start I can see how much care they put into the product. The game has been released 3 times to my knowing.First as a free version without any voices, then a free voiced version, then a commercial version without the voices, virtually the same as the free version.

Could you honestly be interested in purchasing a game knowing that? And it's not just that. It's been released 3 times and there's STILL spelling errors and that in the Steam release. They haven't changed a damn thing with it. If you release a game three times, listen to the people that play your game. When you release something commercially don't just do the required Trading Card shit and a virtual picture of a Dakimakura. ADD something to the actual game. A bonus route maybe? Hatoful Boyfriend did that. And PROOFREAD YOUR STUFF BEFORE SUBMITTING IT FULLY.

I won't really recommend this game to anyone being commercial and in a state like this. All this and how short the game is, even a freeware game similar to it being longer. If the developers actually go through, proofreading the whole script, I may just change my mind. Adding a bonus route or something would also heighten it's playability. But as it is, the only version available is inferior and not worth the money.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

April current review plans

Managed to get Pyrite Heart a bit earlier, thanks steam sale and my friend for letting me use their card, so the current Review line up looks like for April not only Pyrite Heart, but also 1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum.
I'd been planning to get 1931 for awhile and the recent Steam version release makes it even better to take up on playing.
Depending on anything that get's released between those times that I'm playing and writing their review, like an NanoReno game that interests me, I may review the Dot Kareshi series. That's more dependent if I have any money after getting a Vita also though lol.
I'm also pretty hype for the new translation of Re: Birthday Song. I would marry the artist of R/U:BS, DiaLovers, and Ozmafia!
Preview at my review: This scene spoke to me. Maid uniforms are justice.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

10 Days With My Devil-- Full Review and Recommendations

First off I'd like to formally introduce myself as this will be my first post. If you wish to get straight to the review skip this paragraph! My name is Haru and I started this blog because.. Well. I like otome games and thought it'd be fun to review them. I think my review style will be different from a lot of other otome reviews because of how different I am in comparison to a lot of other reviewers both pronoun and age wise. For some games I'll have a straight review of the game and others depending on the content will include a recommendation list. This is typically used for a pay as you play games such as Voltage Mobages. I decided to make my home on blogger for this, rather than Tumblr due to how I don't see Tumblr as much of a blog site anymore, and blogger seems the perfect place for this type of stuff in comparison. Though I do have a tumblr.  Anyways, I hope you like my reviews and if you have any questions or just like to talk leave a comment!

And for the actual review section.

So many Devils to date so little days

10 Days with My Devil is a pay as you play Mobage (Mobile Game) for the iPhone and Android made by Voltage inc. The storyline is about how the player, a young nameable female, one day finds herself surrounded by handsome men and good luck. Near the end of her day her house get's blown up, and the men reveal themselves to be Devils that were after her soul that failed retrieving it due to an accident. You beg for 10 Days to finish what you have left to do on earth and the Devils accept as long as you give your soul to them on the 10th day... Not to mention live with them the whole time left.

For those wondering "pay as you play?" it is a game where instead of paying to play for the game in its entirety from it's purchase you download it for free and pay for any content past the prologue. No worries though, It's not one of those micro-transaction type of deals or one of those games with a limited number of story progression every day unless you spend money. No. You buy the route in it's entirety and can read it straight through. For some it may seem as an inconvenience and for some it's a way to save money. For instance let's say if this game were available for a 50 in it's entirety but you only want to really play one characters route? That character would be about 1/4 of the price.

That said As of March 15th, 2015 this reviewer has played all routes and side stories.

I will leave a recommendation for each route and side story at the end for those interested in only purchasing the stories they are interested in without any of the trial and error of witnessing routes and sidestories you might dislike. And with that I will be reviewing the main stories for each character. I will only talk about the Main Story for the most part and occasionally bring up it's sequel if I see fit to mention it other than the Recommendation section. Be aware the review part is spoilers, while the recommendation is purely recommendations for those interested in playing the game.

First up we have Kakeru Kamui. He's the "canon" sort of guy and the first route I played. 
My girlfriend looks like a pink Santa Claus. Does that make me Satan Claus?
Kakeru is the leader of the division that was tasked with retrieving your soul. You'll also shortly find out he is not only the leader of the division, but Crown Prince of the Demon World. He has a younger brother named Meguru but due to certain reasons (one's you'll find out more in Meguru's route in detail) Kakeru is the only one to succeed the thrown. To which his brother is actually perfectly fine with.

Out of all the Devils, Kakeru is the one most against your proposal and would much rather have just taken your soul at a seconds notice. He's focused on his duty not only as leader, but as future king. Keeping you alive is against the rules of the Demon World. And if found out would have major consequences for Kakeru as Prince.

That said I think his route is one of the BEST out of the devils.

The reason for wanting 10 days left actually changes depending on the route you play. In this route, the MC wishes to witness her sister give birth to her child before she is to pass on.

Kakeru is initially not very well taken with the MC and stays with her due to obligation. He also is the head of her work division and as such they already knew each other to a certain division even before the games events started. They have a history, even if just as coworkers. He can have some Tsundere moments in the route which is great with his characteristic. Theres something about the serious type that get easily jealous that just goes well together. Kakeru is extremely well written down to his background and personality.

Near the end of the route Kakeru and the MC go to the hospital for her sisters delivery. It's quickly realized though that her sister will not complete the delivery and will die. The MC grieves over it and Kakeru does something that would be seen blasphemous for his position. He uses his powers on her sister to prolong her life and help with the delivery. Kakerus ability is to control life forces, and can pour his own life force into other people. So not only did he prolong MC's death by 10 days, but also saved his sister and brought a child into the world.

And he saved her because after spending so long with MC he came to love her, and sacrifices his own well being to save her and those close to her. He then goes on to strike her name from the Fate Database, where those that are to be "reaped" are entered into, and then goes to the Demon World to face consequence with his father.

The route was really great if you couldn't tell by my tone, a great start into the game and a great character. Kakeru is actually my third favorite character in the game, though out of all the characters I find his routes to be the most satisfying. I also find it funny that in this route two of the other characters are shown to have a thing for the MC, one more than any of the other routes. Ones a reoccurring regular and the other is... Kakeru's brother. Who tries to sneak you away from getting "reaped" through the route. Which made me REALLY excited for his route... But that's to be saved for his route.

Next is Satoru Kamagari. The teasing somewhat sadistic playboy character.
Satoru is the second in command of the group tasked with retrieving your soul. His special ability is the ability to see the future of those he touches. As a result he has used that as an advantage in both climbing the ladder of success in the Demon World to manipulating woman to play around with. He dislikes getting close to anyone and looks out only for himself. He sees you as just another woman. However unlike others, he finds you to have nothing of interest to him and simply flirts with. 

The MC plays the pursuer for most of the route when it comes to actual romantic interest, getting down to his core on just why he acts like this. Though Satoru puts the moves on her he does so in more of a skinship and nothing else way. If you don't like the type of characters that push you around and verbally abuse you, I'd recommend against playing his route. He is really hot and cold with the MC and says a LOT of mean things to her due to his own trust issues. Though after the Main Story I found Satorus advances to be pretty endearing. He's one of the characters that just SHINE in their Sequels. He has great redeeming quality's and if you are able to gut his verbal abuse in Main Story, the wait is worth it.

In this route, the MC asked for 10 days in order to see her parents that are coming to visit from overseas. Her parents are shown in pretty much every route to be away from where the MC lives and only gets to see them on occasion when they're free. As such seeing them is very important to the MC. 

As the plot progresses you come to learn Satoru was alone as a child for most of his part and would have to do everything on his own. His parents died when he was young and his relatives didn't like him very much. When he was old enough in fact they threw him out. As such he developed this "looking out for my self" self image. 

He viewed everyone as simply wanting something from him and when he gets nothing in return he simply cuts them off. He's a bit of a player in that regard, at the beginning seeing many woman and using their assets as people of power or money to his own advantage. 

The MC however kept worming her way into her heart, showing him doing such things is wrong. On top of that that relying on yourself and accepting no one into your life is no way to live. Gradually developing his love for you.

In the end it's revealed you were his first real crush, and he's even had a crush on you since seemingly the first day. Though that was mostly just a desire to sleep with you, his desire gradually turned into that of possessiveness. Which you'll see of in his Sequels a lot!

Satoru is an interesting character and he even has some funny oddity's about him. For one, he's horrible with technology and can barely work a phone when the MC steps him through it. He's very old fashioned. He's  the most romantic out of the guys and is constantly physical with the MC, which is especially enjoyable in the later stories when he's very possessive.

Now were onto Haruhito Amano. The angelic, playful, and childish Devil.
Mmm gurl is that some new shampoo? Sunrippened Strawberries?
First off lemme say. This is probably the worst review of Haru's route you'll find. Why? Because It was hard for me to play his route without thinking of myself. He's too similar to myself and it felt like I was pursuing myself. Which led me to not enjoying his routes very well. It didn't help that his nickname is Haru... So this is going to be very biased I think in comparison to the other routes.
I don't dislike him. It's just hard for me to form an opinion of him without comparing him to myself every second.

Anyways, Haruhito is the troublemaker of the group. He slacks off to go play whatever random thing pops into his head and is the least dedicated to his job. He's more focused on having fun and out of all the guys except maybe Meguru, he's the most excited to have you around. He initially likes you very much and drags you into things just cause. He is a very random character. His ability is the ability to communicate with animals, and his dog, Cerby is with him all the time. Partly it's his fault they didn't retrieve your soul, actually. 

The MC's reason to ask for 10 days in his route is due to her sister getting married. Which came to a shock for me since Kakeru was my first route and was already having a child with her husband but okay, whatever Voltage. Were getting some Shin Megami Tensei timeline crazy up in here. By that I mean, anything that can happen will happen and will create an alternate universe and.. What am I talking about, this is just an otome game. I doubt it'll get a spiritual sequel based purely off of all of Haruhitos storylines. But yeah that bothered me ahaha.

Anyways, even though he's really close to you from the get go he's one of the ones that take longer to actually want to save you from becoming toast. This is due to his thinking that everything that happens will happen due to it being Fate and you can't fight Fate. So even if he likes you, there's nothing he can do about it. In that regard he's very defeatist in comparison to characters like Shiki or Meguru.

The reason for this as you'll find out through sort of the semi-antagonist, the angel Rein Isaka, who through the other routes is seen as someone you can't get close to or you'll be found out. You come to find out that Haru was actually an ANGEL. Yes, you can just become a demon through magyks. And you can similarly become a human through magyks. Yet humans can't become a demon or angel through magyks? Okay, Voltage.

The reason for suck magyks is because as an angel, Haruhito became close to a human, and with his job as an angel to take to heaven to be reincarnated, failed. He was too friendly with the human and didn't take them away. Because of this Heaven banished him to the demon world and if he toasted ten thousand toastees he will be accepted back into heaven and become an angel again, working with his partner Rein. Yes. Haruhito and Rein were partners. Very close in fact. Rein and Haruhito go together like peanut butter and jelly in their routes.

And as luck will have it, MC is the ten thousandth toastee. So if you become toast? Haruhito will become an angel again, and be all buddybuddy with Rein again. Which causes most of the melodrama in this. Because MC wants Haruhito to be happy, she thinks less about her own happiness. But at the same time, she shows him that fate is not set in stone.

All in all his route was very.. frustrating. The Angel Demon thing was just so.. weird. And in the end Haru decides to forsake his angel-ship and saves you, which makes him actually become a human in punishment. Again bringing the crazy magyks into the formula. Yeah if you couldn't tell, Haruhitos wasn't very enjoyable to me. Though I think Haruhito himself is pretty cool once you get to know him.

Onto Shiki Kurobane... The Cold Megane dude.
This is an awkward position to do makeouts in
This is another character that suffers from "I feel like i'm dating myself" for me. But unlike Haruhito who also shares a nickname as me making it awkward; wanna know what makes it even more awkward for me with Shiki? He looks like me. So not only do I feel like I'm dating myself in a character sense. I'm seeing a character that looks like me all the freakin' time. Shiki's pretty popular in the fandom so I wonder if anyone's coming here purely to read my review of him... Calm yourself ladies~ I'm too in love with my bed and my cat~ Which also annoys me. Why's this loser so popular? I know why but.. I don't like him. I rate all his storys low. I don't like you Shiki. Stop stealing my dreads and my glasses and my love for sleep you little chicken nugger.

Anyways. Shiki is one of the more useful members when it comes to abilities. He's like how important Takuto is in Love Letter from Theif X. He's the computer guy which immediately makes him the most useful, but on top of that his actual demon ability is mind control. Yes ah mind control. He's central even in routes he's not in for this reason. On top of that in EVERY FRICKEN ROUTE he has a crush on you. Get away from me man. What's funny is the reason MC chose the 10 day thing for his route. It's like NTR at it's finest.

SHE HAS A CRUSH ON THIS GUY AT HER WORK AND WANTS TO CONFESS TO HIM. BURN.... BURNNNN! He has a crush on her in every route... and then finally... FINALLY when he gets a route of his own.... SHE ALREADY LIKES SOMEONE. I was laughing on my bed as I played his route for the most part. You just don't get a break do ya man?

He's very cold and aloof to the MC though not so abusive in comparison to Satoru. He just wants to be left alone and he doesn't understand why you chose him as your bodyguard when there are people like Kakeru and Satoru to choose from. Also it's annoying for him to have to monitor you. So then, why the fuck does he always fall for the MC? He's a tsundere that's why. A raging tsundere. It's like the more you get attracted to someone else, the more he realizes how in love he is with you. 

Especially in his own route. You two play a game for the most part where the MC acts out confessing to the guy she likes with Shiki. With varying amounts of success since Shiki is NOTHING like the guy she likes. The guy she likes is some loon thats obsessed with pots or something and wants to get MC into his weirdo pot pyramid scheme every time he's involved in something, and uses her affection for him to is advantage. He's gonna get her if Shiki doesn't MAN UP AND MAKE HER REALIZE THIS GUY IS SHITTY. Which he does eventually. Once his jealousy meter rises up he takes her for himself and she sees the guy for the loonie toon he truly is. Though is Shiki any better really? Okay yeah he is, but I don't like Shiki. I will NTR him to oblivion.

Anyways, once he realizes his tsundere feelings for you and gets your affections away from the guy, the dude hacks into the fate database and takes you off the list. The higher ups find out and punish him for it, but don't toast you because you got taken off it. CAN'T YOU JUST PROGRAM HER IN AGAIN WHATS STOPPING YOU? Romance that's what.

I actually know why so many people like him because his storyline is good but ROFLMAO LET ME VENT ABOUT THE GUY.

Now for... my favorite guy! Meguru Kamui! The sweet younger devil dude!
Why yes, Meguru. I will marry you.
So much bias here, girls. I love Meguru Kamui. Ever since the first route I played I'd been eagerly anticipating playing his route. How he behaved in Kakeru's route was great. And I already like characters like him and he's the most visually appealing in my opinion. I love the younger reliable types that shower you in love and affection in a sweet way, not an over the top way like Haruhito. He can cook and clean too. He's like a perfect wife. I think Meguru is perfect as he is. At least until one of the Sequels endings but eh. I know out of any of the guys in here, he's the one I'D want to date. No homo bro. All the homo actually. ALL OF IT. It was torturous waiting for his route to be released. While everyone was crying tears of joy over Shiki's route finally coming out I was crying tears of sorrow because "MEGURU'S NOT OUT YET." 

Meguru is the younger brother of Kakeru Kamui, the prince of the demon realm and leader of the squad. He's still a trainee and was put into Kakerus squad because... LOOK. THEY'RE BROTHERS OKAY. But unlike Kakeru he's not in any way going to inherit the throne and he frankly doesn't even want to. Why? They have different mothers. OH SHIT THE KING'S BEEN CHEATING. Kakeru's mom is the queen and Megurus mom is some harlot or something lmao. His mother is obsessed with getting the throne and thinks Megurus birth is like a freaking BLESSING. He is but not in ways she thinks he is. He may not inherit it with Kakeru as the heir but is still very so a rightful heir. She doesn't think of him as anything else but a tool and tells him to get Kakeru in trouble and shit so he can lose his spot as king and SHE can come to live in the castle. Meguru is who, now? IT'S ALL ABOUT ME.

But Meguru is such an angelic devil that loves his brother and his dad that he won't do that at all. AND SO HIS MOM PRETTY MUCH HATES HIM. Come here baby you're too precious. When MC starts living with them they get along fast. They have lots of similar hobbies and often cook together and just Megurus so kind and easy to get along with. They compliment each other greatly and their relationship is really believable. It's also hella adorable how excited he was for the MC to choose him to be her guardian and puts his all into protecting her. 

Anyways, the reason MC wanted 10 days this time is to celebrate her mothers birthday. Which brings some bad feelings to Meguru in his head because oh joy his mother is fucking FANTASTIC. His power is also the most powerful... and the hardest to control. His left hand can destroy anything it touches. As such he keeps a glove on it and won't touch you with that hand. There was a bit of a panic moment in the route actually when he got drunk and nearly grabbed and destroyed you with his hand. Part of the route is to help Meguru control his own power. They fall in love almost nearly halfway through and focus more on handling the obstacles in their way, such as MC's toasting. To which Meguru almost goes yandere over.

Megurus route is great but my complaint over his route stems from his Sequel. His Main Story is great 10/10 play it but his Sequel... I hated how it ended. Spoilers: He got a growth spurt after awakening as a demon and his personality just became hella mature in comparison. He says a lot that "I'm still me." But no he did change and I just found it uncomfortable and unnerving. Give me younger Meguru back... ;_;

Onto the Angels! Yes they have routes too! Rein Isaka the funny accent man!
Remember how I said these two are like peanut butter and jelly? I wasn't kidding. It's Haruhito and Rein: The game the route the story. I thought I wasn't going to enjoy Reins route because I found his accent annoying and just IDK he seemed annoying and boring and I don't like angels. But his route pulled a surprising twist to it that almost made me CRY. CRY. 

For most of the route it's kind of just bumping into Rein. You're still living with the devils, I actually thought before playing that he'd find you out fairly quickly and whisk you away to some Angel House or something but no. Part of the tragedy of the story is the MC and Rein fall for each other while thinking of each other simply as humans and not "That toastee" or "An Angel". Yes tragedy. You two get along fairly fast and when you tell Kakeru about it he gets uncomfortable for some reason and forbids you from getting close to him (Because remember: if the angels find out about keeping you alive? Kakeru's screwed.) And even tells you later when it looks like Reins dick too bomb to leave that he's an angel. But like I said: Reins dick too bomb. Excuse the profanity I like using that joke too much, blame my friends. 

But yeah your romance is like something you'd see in a happily ever after drama series or a shoujo manga. You keep bumping into each other, going on dates, and Rein realizes pretty quickly that he loves you too. But somethings gotta come to break that up. Rein finds out near the end that MC is a toastee and gets really upset with her and has an inner sad until the day of her toasting. He can't get close to her cause she gun die son! But he loves her! The tear jerker here is: MC get's toasted and Rein comes right when her soul is going up and away, but he uses his powers to bring her back to life. Which then gets a punishment of BEING HUMAN. Oh no now he can age with her and not worry about angel stuff the horror.

I joke a lot but Reins route is REALLY GOOD. It was a different flow than the others and if you played the other routes you could see the tragedy coming a mile away which made is so much better. It's like watching someone play Persona 3 when you know how it's gonna end and they think it's gonna end happy and nothing bad happens because it's an RPG and you save the world. NOPE. The different style they took to this was just... tearjerky. I think I cried. Pretty sure. Cry with me.

The angel you'd have no idea about if you didn't play Satorus routes or Reins route. Tsubasa Shirai!
Tsubasa: Making girls drown in style
Tsubasa is... a secret character I guess? He doesn't pop up into other characters routes unless you're playing Rein's main or the Sequels so if you didn't play those seeing him as route would be just full of "?????????" However it took awhile for his route to be released and by the time it did I had played Satorus route and fell in love with him. 

Do you ever get that feeling? You fall in love with a character when it's not their route? I mean the same thing happened with me and Meguru but unlike Meguru you know the thing that sucks? Tsubasas route doesn't do him justice. I'm mostly referring to his Epilogue and Sequel because they just felt so... ugh. Yknow? His main route is fine. It's satisfactory. But anything past that is boring. And Tsubasa is a great character otherwise? I don't understand.

Anyways, Tsubasas route plays a lot like Rein's route with a similar sadbomb because they don't know what the other is. MC wished for 10 days due to getting assigned an important job for her company that involved working with a modeling agency. As luck would have it Tsubasa's a model. And MC is a fan of his. So she's really excited to work with him!

They start off pretty nice and friendly like Meguru and Haruhitos route but the thing with Tsubasa is: he's a two faced jerk. And he was all smiley and friendly with you because it's his job and unless it's his job he wants nothing to do with you, similarly to Satorus route. But MC genuinely likes him and thinks he likes her enough and sticks to him to the point she finds out about his two faced jerkery. To which they then become partners in crime of sorts.

The two of them stick together more often and gradually MC learns why Tsubasa's like that. Albeit without any of the angelic crap thrown in later. He tells MC that he admired a girl, to the point he broke a rule for her just for her to get on his good side because he really liked her. The wound up blowing in his face though and made her hate him. Due to this he decides to never get involved with anyone, especially women, ever again. Somewhat similarly to Satoru.

What he didn't tell you at first was that the woman was an angel in love with a human, and he used his powers to extend his lifeline to to being a toastee so they could be together. But he fell in love with another human afterwards so booo freaking hooo for the angel lady.

Later on the sadbomb hits and he has to break the rules once again to save someone he loves, you. Though now he had a Haruhito moment of realizing not everyones the same.

Honestly his route felt lazy and shoehorned like "Oh wow we have to write a Tsubasa story because a lot of people like him?" instead of intricately writing his story. There were some plot holes and as I said his sequel isn't any better. It's disappointing really.

Also wheres Seiji's route bruh. BRU H. I probably won't like him but I'll give you 4 dollars anyway, Voltage!


As this is a pay for your route kind of deal I am going to list every route and side story and rate it on how good I think it is for you to actually spend money on. A lot of side stories can be boring but some are genuinely great and give some backstory. (Pleasantly surprised at Haruhitos route in the Devil Winter Wonderland story talking about his sister for example)


Kakeru Kamui - 8 points. Highly recommended buying, especially for your first time playing.
Satoru Kamagari - 7 points. Buy only if you like these character archetypes. He shines more in sequels but you'll need to play Main to understand his deal.
Haruhito Amano - 5 points. Don't recommend buying. It has too many upsetting plot points.
Shiki Kurobane - 7 points. Recommend buying if you like him enough. His romance is interesting but can get annoying sometimes.
Meguru Kamui - 9 points. Highly recommended. Great all around realistic pacing and falling in love.
Rein Isaka - 7 points. I only recommend if you've played one of the other main routes. Playing it by itself doesn't do it justice.
Tsubasa Shirai - 5 points. Refer to Rein. Has plot holes like Haruhito and the Sequels don't compliment it.

Just saying right now. Buy Epilogues if you really like the guy, otherwise don't bother. It's short and only gives you a glance at them dating after the events of the main event.

Takes place during the Epilogue time, which really makes Epilogues unnecessary. I'd recommend any if you liked the characters main story, especially Satoru, except Tsubasas and feel no need to get on the nitty gritty on it.

Play any of these AFTER playing the characters main story.
Kakeru Kamui - 7 points. Nice follow up that wraps up some demonic conflict but doesn't bring much new to the table.
Satoru Kamagari - 9. Shines Satorus character up and makes him really endearing.
Haruhito Amano - 6 points. A Bit better storytelling but what is bothering in his main story about the angel issue is still prevailent. Ends on a nice note.
Shiki Kurobane - 7 points. Gives a lot more focus on Shiki instead of the NTR and gives a better view on his OWN issues.
Meguru Kamui - 6 points. Started off really good but ended so badly.
Rein Isaka - 8 points. Really cute story with a nice plotline. More insight to Rein instead of the melodrama incoming sadbombs.
Tsubasa Shirai - 2 points. Highly unnecessary. Nice CG's I guess.

(If Sequels are to Main storys like XIII-2 is to Final Fantasy XIII this is the Lightning Returns of the stories)
Kakeru Kamui - 8. Obvious on the conflict but done very nicely.
Satoru Kamagari - 9. One of the best wedding sequels.  The plot was excellent and you continue to see Satoru as the great guy he is.
Haruhito Amano - 7. Great plotline but Haru continues to be pretty static.
Shiki Kurobane - 6. His stuff was mostly settled in the sequel and they needed to give him a wedding.
Meguru Kamui - 5. The bad adult characterization continues in full force.
Rein Isaka - 7. Really cute but really obvious and ordinary.


DEMON HOUSE PARTY: takes place in the middle of the main story and just is them having a party. Not recommended.

SHIKI SPECIAL: Really funny and sweet. Get only if you really like Shiki though cause it's not very long ;)

~SEQUEL EPILOGUE SET~: On one hand: you can purchase those unnecessary epilogues all in one pack. On the other. Epilogues aren't that interesting.

THE DEVILS' WORK: Really great sidestory. Funny and nice to see some of them work jobs' they are HORRIBLE at.

THE BEST ANTI-CHRISTMAS: Nice to see the devils not know what the frick Christmas is about but I think the other Christmas side stories are better. Though theyre connected to this one... sigh.

WHEN THE CAT'S AT PLAY: Eh it was okay but... Skip on this one pls. Not worth it.

BLACK VALENTINE'S DAY: Valentines side storys always gotta be good. Def get it.

SATORU'S  BIRTHDAY <3: Whats interesting is it can branch into 3 endings but I only recommend getting it if you loveeee Satoru.

KAKERU'S BIRTHDAY <3 : Refer to the above.

THE DEMON'S SECRET GARDEN:  Very nice and you get to see a side of Satoru and Haruhito you don't usually. Megurus was very sweet too. Okay all of them were pretty good.

MY DEVILISH BODYGUARD: This is a crossover between My Sweet Bodyguard or whatever so if you don't play that you'll be confused (like me)

MY PICTURE PERFECT WEDDING: Uh it's like a psuedo Wedding sequel thing I dont really care for it.

KAKERU KAMUI SPECIAL STORY: This is connected to My Picture Perfect Wedding so only get it if you played that and liked Kakery's route. Kakerus was the best from that side story so I guess they decided to cash in on that lmao.

5 DAYS A HUMAN: KAKERU X REIN: Really bad unnecessary money grubbing sidestory. Doesn't even have CG's DON'T GET IT.

HOT & STEAMY SUMMER: Really nice! Megurus especially was funny oh man. One of the best sub stories.

5 DAYS A HUMAN: HARUHITO X SATORU: Even worse since they had to set Haruhito back to Main Story which ruins some of his development oh man.

SHIKI <3 BIRTHDAY: Same as the other birthdays. (What's up with the <3 movement?)

5 DAYS A HUMAN: SHIKI X TSUBASA: you know da drill

A DEVIL HALLOWEEN PARTY: You'd have to be pretty bad tomess up a Halloween Sub story. This is not one of those thankfully. Some of those outfit choices THO. Meguru why.

IF HE WAS YOUR... PART 1: This is done like the 5 days a human so I want to SAY not to buy it but you're getting two AUS which is really interesting. I'd say if you're interested in the AU included to get it.




A DEVIL WINTER WONDERLAND: I found it kinda funny these were a year apart but were released at the same time lmao. Kakeru's and Shiki's were especially good and Rein's actually in this one whoa!

10 DAYS OF HIS KISSES ~SHIKI~: I... thought the plotline description to be interesting but it was initiated poorly. No CGs either. Don't let the 10 chapter listing fool you. Each chapter is hella short.

10 DAYS OF HIS KISSES ~ SATORU~: Same as Shiki's THOUGH I find his to be more interesting to read and a great view into their love life despite there being no CG's I actually recommend it!!

I'm not updating with any of the future releases because I'm deleting this app to make room for other apps, though I'm sure that won't happen anyway with how Voltage has scrapped this series.