Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Otome Game Review] Cute Demon Crashers [R-18]

Ever wanted to be sex'd by a demon? Now's your chance
Just in time for Halloween, A review about fucking a bunch of demons! Well, Incubi and a Succubi, but those are categorized as demons anyways.

Cute Demon Crashers is an R18 FREE Otome game by the group Sugar Script. Since the game is R18, viewer discretion is advised. Don't come crying to me if you scroll down to a pic of Mirari's boobs and a coworker or your parents see this! You've been warned bro!

Anyways, If you've been looking around at other free otome games in your time you probably might have noticed that the art is similar to a lot of other West otome games. All the people working on the game take up sweet names but it's really obvious that the people working on the game know their otome.

One of the most interesting pulls of the game is that not only is it an R18 otome game for free, it prioritizes consent at all times. In an otome world where half the R18 games are full of dubcon and rape this is hella appreciated!! Mad props!!

One example is during sweet time with your incubi or succubi if they ask to go any further you can either choose to do something different, stay in your comfort zone, or to stop the sexy times altogether and just cuddle in bed as you go to sleep. Not ONLY is that option available whenever they wanna mix it up, but during sexy scenes there is always a stop button in the corner. So if you for whatever reason are not enjoying your time with the current dialog choice, you can always stop. And the best thing? The guys and gal don't become dicks and shame you for stopping le sexy tiem. They respect your boundary and want it to be enjoyable for you!

If this alone doesn't satisfy  you to try out the game then I dunno what will.

Anyways, as for the individual routes and common route.

Common Route:

I've played enough games with rape scenes and eroge bishoujo that nothing really triggers me NSFW wise. Only thing that makes me fear for my life is animal death depictions and I have a severe case of arachnophobia. So naturally the completionist in me searched out each ending and CG available. A good thing for other completionists is that Sugar Scripts official Tumblr has a link to not just ending guides but CG guides. There are certain points in the game where if you stop their clothes will still be on or off so they make a cg for that accordingly, so even if you got all the endings seemingly, you could be missing a few CGs so that's appreciated. You can view it on their FAQ tab.

The story starts with our nameable protag (she has a default, Claire, and that's how I'm gonna refer to her from now on) wanking it in her bedroom to some ranky novel. (50 shades of gray maybe? Lets hope she doesn't refer to her asshole as a chocolate starfish internally.) The reason she's wanking it is cause all her other friends have boyfriends and are on super duper ラブラブ vacations or dates while she's all alone at home dammit! I can relate, bro. To make matters worse her own PARENTS are ラブラブ-ing it up on vacation too and her only saving grace at entertainment over summer break, her younger brother, is off hitting some balls. By that I mean he's at a camp for baseball. Maybe more than baseball who knows what kids do at camp? Everyone knows what happens during soccer practice after all. So, being all alone and boyfriend-less, she's stuck reading Twilight fanfiction and wanking it, while hoping she could have a fling with someone. But she's got standards and isn't just gonna go outside looking for the first dick she spots. So basically yeah forever alone.

But apparently a Succubus was out looking for a meal and she could sense Claire's sexual energy and came to watch her masturbate or sth? And she heard Claire saying how she wished she could have a fling so the Succubus goes and summons three of her incubus friends. They intrude and she's like ' yo what the fuck? I'm calling the police!' So they leave the room and let her change out of her cute panda shirt with no bra on underneath (the real reason she musta been angry) You can actually get a bad end here by calling the police so Lololol.

Back to the common route, Claire just can't believe theres a ton of sexy mans and womans in her house that just so happen to be demons so the first day she's like "Lol what drugs did I take this is a dream right?" The demons explain that since Mirari sort of opened the portal to their world hastily they can't go back until three days have passed counting this day, and they say they won't do anything to her during those three days "Unless she wants to ;)" And also explain that Succubus and Incubus feed off of sexual energy, but don't worry, it won't actually harm Claire XDD So Claire, believing she's just having a wet dream again, throws a sock in their demon portal to see if its real, and spends the rest of the day inside her room before going to sleep. #relatable

The next morning she sees one of the sex demons, Kael, had baked her some eggs and bacon in the shape of a happy face. She eats it, still thinkin' she'd tripping shrooms, and tastes how good the eggs and bacon are that she starts to CRY. Okay man, if your eggs and bacon is so good it makes a girl cry then it must be orgasmic, I'm gonna try to summon a demon just so they can make me breakfast!! After that you get the choice to talk to one of the four demons and that's basically their routes I guess? I recommend you just stick to one person and don't do the others events cause you only get to spend time with them 4 times. This ain't Persona or anything, 4 maxes your events. You also won't get the really good ending if you don't see your demons events fully so yeah more incentive to blow off all the other cute demons!!

Mirari Route

I went with Miraris route first because she's cute.... I had actually played the demo before the full version came out so I was honestly surprised on how much DIDN'T change! There were of course new things to do during the day with her since you could only do two events in the demo, and the Ending where you become lovers with her isn't available in the demo either but I just... Kinda was hoping there's be more options to do during the sex scenes in comparison to whats available in the demo? In that regard it was really underwhelming. But for a person that didn't play the demo, Mirari is adorable.

She's the only female available, so yeah otome game with a yuri route, let it rip fans of that. Her events are about taking care of the garden because Claire (Our lazy ass protagonist) Wasn't watering them. Her parents apparently saw THAT one coming so her dad leaves her a note that if the flowers are dead when he comes home he'll kill her lol thanks dad. And of course Claire apparently wants to die so the flowers are dying. Mirari takes up the role of watering the plants for her since they're imposing on her and she feels bad since it's kind of her fault for botching up the portal lmao. You bond over flowers in the demon world, which I feel was all a huge yuri joke since Yuri means Lily in Japanese, and play some weird ass old fogey game at some point? I'm like Claire and I didn't understand how to play the game even when Claire got it so I was just "????" During that event.

After that you and Mirari got really close over flower bonding and you two kinda have this agreement that yeah, I'm gonna hump THAT one tonight. On the last night they all gather and are like "Who you wanna have the sex with this is your last chance!!" (And btw, YES, you don't have to choose any of them, and you can even choose someone that you didn't have events with but that locks you out of the lovers ending so like... why?)

You and Mirari exchange looks and you say "I'm gonna be in lesbians with Mirari." So the guys get the fuck outta Dodge to give you two some aloneee time. Mirari changes into a cute camisole and a lot of her events were giving you a massage in whatever place you liked. At one point if you choose feet she'll put your toes in her mouth and lick them lol. If you continue sexy times both of you will get naked and pomf on the bed and you'll notice that Mirari shaved her hedge to the shape of a heart how cute. I noticed though that her curtains didn't match her drapes? Her hedge looked pink to me but maybe it was just the lighting lmao. You two exchange some touchies down in the nether regions and then go to sleep. Like yeah, Miraris NSFW is probably the most tame XD

 Depending on what choices you picked it'll go to either normal or good. Normal ending  you wake up and see Mirari left you a note with a satanic symbol on it to use in case you ever wanna summon her again ;) And this time she won't form a portal or have the other guys come ;) In the good end you're wandering around your neighborhood reminiscing about how good of a vacation it was and how you miss Mirari. Outta nowhere Mirari's like "Miss me hon?" And she's in a human form!! (^p^)/ She says she really enjoyed her time with you and if it's alright with you, she'd like to continue seeing you as lovers. She also got you some seeds for some demon plant and promises the flower won't eat her others Lol.

Her route was probably my least favorite honestly which is a shock!! Mirari's still adorable though, just saying.

Akki Route

Next up is Akki who I sorta feel is the canon guy? He's a virgin just like Claire, which makes Claire like "wut you're a sex demon!" And he's all "welll yea but I was just born and still have a recess of sexual energy to keep me going but if I don't get some fast i'm gonna be in trouble when I run out!" So anyways, all his events are in the front room and all your events are playing video games with him. My favorite part was the part where he yelled "ANOTHER DAMN BLUE SHELL!!!" I feel this. So I guess they were playing Mario Kart the whole time lol. Claire teaches him tricks in the game like how to get a boost at the start (I'm a dick so I wouldn't have told him that haha!!) and how to go backwards when he gets stuck in the wall (Okay, I would tell him how to do this though, I'm not THAT big of an asshole.)

Later on Akki's like "yo I hear pizza is better than sex?" Which is tru facts. Claires like lol what the fuck but orders a pizza and tells him NOT TO COME OUT before the guy gets here. He does come out at some point and they try to pass it off as some cosplay but the guy totally knows she's gonna be up to something kinky with this guy and the pizza ;) Claire laments over how she can never call takeout from the same pizza place again despite knowing chances of getting the guy again are low, he's totally gonna tell his coworkers. Akki eats the pizza and is like "DAMMMNNNNNNN THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HAD." They also hug on the couch at some point after a riveting round of Hyrule Warriors. Unlike all the others that try to help her around the house Akki's just playing video games so he's the most relatable to me and I'm like okay, you deserve a fuck. You understand me dude.

 Since they're both inexperienced they sort of fumble around a bit on what to do like do you touch the boob? Do you touch the dick? Eventually though after touching the boob and dick they decide to have THE SEXS on her bed. They're having a grand old time but then Akki's like "SHIT". I immediately understood the moment I heard the musical cue. He finished too early. He's like "I-I CAN GET HARD AGAIN I SWEAR" But Clairs just "Lol it's k man" They spend the rest of the night cuddling in bed and then you get the endings. Also yes you did in fact feed him so now he's on his way to be a proper adult sex demon ;)

Normal end is a lot like Mirari's with nothing too notable to talk about. You see him in human form in his good end too and he gives you a nice round of PDA and is like "let's totally date!" and you go to have pizza at the parlor near her college (Not the same one that she ordered takeout from cause she's never buying from there again xD) Akki suffered the same for me as Mirari's with how he was available in the demo but he's a pretty solid route. Not my favorite, but it's a good entry route I feel. That and you can just feel the *~canon route~* with how they're both so alike pfft.

Kael's Route

When I did Kael's route I was all "Oh yes finally a route that I hadn't played so I can just play on auto and not have to mash my keyboard through the events I've already seen. I like to call Kael the big daddy. Or I guess big mommy. He's good at cooking and cleaning and always moving around taking care of the laundry for you to make up for intruding on your personal life. An optimal wife through and through. Hell, he even wears a nice Kiss the Cook apron (which is actually your dads but lmao)  He lectures you about not doing anything about laundry and you decide to actually get off your ass and do it when you see him about to clean your lacy unmentionables XD His events are alot of making you stop being a lazy ass and actually doing stuff around the house. Claire, thanks to Kael, becomes motivated to even cook since they've been making all the food for her so far xD

 Kael comes in to help her, but she still gets her finger cut with a knife while chopping the carrots up. He freaks the FUCK out thinking that a small cut like that is going to kill her since she's human but Claire's just like "Dude, chill, tis but a flesh wound." Kael's sex events were very cute and affectionate! At the start you could choose for him to kiss you, you to kiss him, or even to have a pillow fight!! I never mentioned this before but a lot of them have LED candles when you have sex with them along with soft music playing to set the mood. Apparently something terrible happened with one of the Demons involving going too hard with the candles nearby and set a house on fire so they all adopted using artificial candles for lighting afterwards pffft. I thought it was cute how real Kael and Claire were with each other.

During their sex scenes they were smiling and laughing a lot which made my heart ドキドキ. For his end he gives you the sock you threw in at the start with the normal end and the obligatory satanic summoning note. His good end has Claire's life picked up significantly and she monologues to Kael about how she's cooking dinner and her room isn't a disaster anymore and how she wishes she could see him again~ He comes back in human form and is all "Forget this?" And shows her the sock she threw in the portal at the start of the game. Claire is like "Omg is that the only reason you came back?" And he's all "Nah, It just gave me an excuse to come back. BTW wanna date?" lololol.

 His route was great! I loved how he was and I also like that he made a big impact on Claire's life with getting her to actually do shit around the house lol. He's really vanilla like Akki but he had much better sex scenes because unlike Akki, he's experienced and knows what hes doin'! Also observing the guys dicks and Kael has the best one okay, goodbye. 10/10 would let him berate me about my lazy choices in life any time ;)

Orias Route

And going out with a bang, if you know what I mean, is Orias' route! I'm gonna say right now that Orias was my favorite route XD Any dude that likes tea is a great dude and just listening to him was entertaining. He freaks Claire out at first because he's upfront to her after giving her a cup of tea that "Hey so I do BDSM just wanted to let you know in case you were thinking about choosing me" And Claire SPITS HER DRINK OUT. At first she had thought all people that practiced BSDM were sadistic evil fucks and Orias is like wtf no that's such a misconception and that he only does what his partner wants to be done to them. He also reveals a lot about his past life and how he was around the french revolution and helped this woman fake a death so she wouldn't be forced into a marriage and how he was there when the first printed versions of the Wizard of Oz came out.

 He's a book nerd so they're often doing history homework together or reading to each other which is another reason I think that I really like him. That and I'm totally a do-M so him being into BDSM was like a topping on the proverbial cake :3c However, he tells Claire that ever since an incident he's never gotten too close to his partners, only close enough. He only does a one night thing. This is cause some guy he had the sexs with really loved him and got heart broken when he'd leave him and he can't stand to put anyone else through that because Incubi just don't feel romantic attraction like humans, but he does feel sympathy. So basically all the demons are aromantic and pansexual. He goes on to say he doesn't think you'll choose him in a million years seeing how you're a virgin and he's into pretty kinky stuff but promises if you do he'll give you a pleasurable experience and be really gentle with you. That said you do choose him and wow does he have a lot of CGs!!

Basically you choose between three ways of BDSM involving cold, hotness, and tickles. Orias before doing the sex goes on to say that if she wants to stop at anytime to use the safeword RED. Because in most cases with BDSM people will say "Stop" and "No" but not mean it, so he uses a word that wouldn't usually be used during sex so that he knows she means it which was a nice touch. If you choose cold he puts an ice cube on your boob and sucks it and also puts wet water on you and then licks it off hooo boy. Hot had him use wax and honestly I'd probably choose that myself cause I can't stand the cold and I'm too ticklish XD With that he puts some mildly warm wax on you and then scratches it off. With ticklish he goes all up on you with a feather >:) At points during the session he'll ask whether you want to be blind folded or bound and that's why the CGs are so much cause there's a lot of ways you can go about the scenes like if you dont use any or you only use a blindfold or whatever. All of this is a way of erotic sensory. The mystery of whats being done to you basically.
He also at one point kisses you and has chocolate in his mouth so he's feeding you chocolate hhhhhoooooo boyyy.

 At the end he does proper care and gives you a nice cup of his specially made tea and then you two go to sleep. In his normal end It's the regular "hey baby cakes heres my note to summon me with ;)" And his good end has him giving you a box of his tea leaves and Claires like "I got you something too!" And gives him a tea infuser. Truly a great couple www. She also tells him to be more affectionate with her and requests for her to do things to him too in bed and he agrees to both~ One thing I just have to talk about is how he's got piercings on his nipple and dick. I'll never understand why people do that, especially on the dick XD I love his route tons but if he wanted to get with me in real life id be like were not doing anything sexy with your dick cause I find that shit disturbing sorry Orias XD You're still my fave dude but piercings a big NO to me pffft.

All in all you could tell I really loved the game. It's such a polished game and it's free so like literally the fuck is wrong with you if you're not DLing it man? I feel it could go for money and I'd still buy it, I mean I did spend money on Pyrite Hearts Steam release after all wwwww. But seriously im gonna have to get the art book for this game when its available, and then proceed to hide it so my friend I live with doesn't find it and think I like to wank it to anime dudes in her house lol. There's also a poll for any merchandise suggestions so if you'd like a mousepad using Akki's chest you'd best tell them lol.
Seriously, great game. And it's even partially english voiced so thats also a plus. PLAY IT.

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