Monday, November 16, 2015

Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi Limited Edition -- A look at

So this technically ISN'T an unboxing, since i've already started playing the game and all (Did Heisuke, on Okita) But I thought it'd be fun to share pictures of the LE for those interested. Click on each picture to make them bigger, since I don't want ya scrolling more than you should to see stuff not interesting
First up we have a front view of the limited edition, the front and back of the slip cover is the same as the games cover and back so I don't really think I'll show solo views for the games cover and back

Here we have a side view

Aaaand here's the aforementioned back. Hopefully I got a good view of the back so that anyone can read or see the illustrations well enough.

When you pull out from the slip you get this nice traditional looking box. It's not a wooden box though, sadly. Carved wooden boxes would have been badass,

And when you flip THAT over you'll see this :)
Here are it's contents. I'm not gonna lie, I'm only gonna actually carry/use the charm. Maybe. And play the game of course.
Here's the charm's front view with the same Kanji as on the box and ofc with the companies name on it. It'd look a lot better without that copymark tbh.

A back view of it, which what it says is basically ensuring it's holder a good love life. (Not true for me! lol.) Also be sure NOT to open it. Omamori's whole thing is to not open it or the gods will look down on you and basically you'll probably get a reverse effect. Yknow what they say, curiosity killed the cat. I saw some dude on youtube opening this out of curiosity and all thats in it is a square piece of paper with nothing on it so yeah don't even bother getting spiritual bad luck for that lol.

A view of the whole things length just cause I can.

A comb. Eh. I don't care much about combs but it feels kinda nice I guess? Doesn't feel like plastic to me? But I'm also dumb so. Also the flowers  and name and everything is carved in, not printed. Nice.

And finally the hairpin. Once again, an Item I don't care much about. It doesn't even look all that cute honestly? If I saw someone wearing this I'd think their cheap. The cherry blossom and everything is rubbery. If it was wooden like the stake then maybe It'd look less bad? I dunno. I dunno.

In general? In MY opinion the LE isn't all that great. Eh the box design looks nice but me personally I'm not floored over by the contents. I don't really use combs since, like most guys, I only brush it once in a full moon. And once again. A guy. I don't wear hair pins. My hairs not even that long even if I wanted to. The omomoris pretty nice though, I've always wanted to buy a charm so that was nice.

Though I think the price online at least right now is pretty nice! I got mine for 26 on Amazon and for a LE? Not half bad. BTW that was for NEW. Yep. I honestly sort of wish it had a code for getting the LE for one of the many DLCs for the game on the PSN, like what other LES like Killer is Dead and Persona 4: Dancing All Night did.

Whether you want to or not, it's your decision. I just thought getting a LE for 26 bucks was a steal so I did.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Review Plans for December - January

I decided to plan a bit ahead since of the two games, Ones a behemoth, and the others a Voltage game so yeah. The holiday seasons coming up so you'd think I'd have more time but time means nothing when you're a piece of trash NEET like me. Anyways the review schedule is:

Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi
A Knights Devotion

I hope I can finish Hakuoki this month but it's got so much content I'm not too sure hence saying this is for December-January. Both will have reccomendations for DLC/routes like with the 10dwmd review.

I'm also importing Bad Apple Wars around January for my birthday but I probably won't review it since my Japanese is too crap and I'd feel too self conscious. I might show an unboxing in my crap room or something, I feel I should at least ACKNOWLEDGE it here lol. If I don't make another post before December consider this my Happy Holidays message!! I don't think anyone really reads my blog but if you do, my birthdays on January 6th!

[Otome Game Review] Amnesia: Memories

Heroine gets unwanted advances: the game
This review is most likely gonna be long so strap yourselves in.

Skip to Final thoughts if you wish to avoid spoilers.

So I had originally discovered the Amnesia series through the anime adaption like pretty much everyone in the EN community that was raging to get their hands on this game. (;´∀`)I watched it while it was airing and for whatever reason I actually liked Toma a lot? Upon finishing the game I actually went back to rewatch the anime while streaming with some buds on Twitter and we all were like"lol" at Tomas episodes (I even tried watching the dub but by episode 2 I was searching for the sub version once more). The only good thing the anime did was have the heroine jump across worlds and remember stuff and the OP was done by my waifu yanaginagi otherwise it's not worth your time. Don't hire Greg Ayres' bro to do voice work again please ;w;

Thank Nhil


You wake up in some sorta dreamy like place and a bug looking elf boy starts talking to you. Apparently he accidentally collided with your spirit (how tho) and because of this he forced out your memories. He can't leave until you regain your memories and explains that you'll need to regain them through contact with others. Going to the hospital and saying 'there's a spirit boy living in my head' will not only not help you, but send you to the loopy bin. On top of that if you don't regain your memories it's possible you'll start to forget things like how to eat or even breathe which is あぶないいいいいい. So you remember your name and get to choosing whatever world you think you belong in. The heroine has no canon name at all. Like. At all. In the anime she's called just kimi (which is just "you" honestly) and the anthology avoids giving her a name as well, so you'll have to name it after yourself or something!

I don't really dig naming protags after myself and go with the default, so I just sorta thought up a fitting name for her. I originally planned Rose because she really digs roses for some reason but all that made me think of was this character so I went with Rosa. And even though a Pokemon characters english name is Rosa, I liked how cute it sounded that it didn't bother me. My friend went on to shame me because I went with a name that wasn't Japanese but yknow what I think it's a perfect name!!( ´_ゝ`)
Don't trust this man

Diamond World (Toma's Route)

So I went with Toma's route first because for whatever reason I remember fondly liking him in the anime. Upon playing I had started to wonder what type of edgy teenage boy I was to like this indecisive rapist but yknow I used to have a crush on BlackRose from .hack// and I hate her now so we all move on and get better taste.

Toma is your oniichan in like every single route whether you want to or not. So, unlike all the other guys he's not your boyfriend in this route because he's a massive indecisive shit. When you lose your memories he takes you to the hospital and Orions like OHHHHH SHIT ALREADY IN THE PLACE WE SHOULDN'T BE WE'RE DEAD. He manages to get her to beg that she's alright to Toma and eventually after some days he lets her out of the hospital with him.

My eyes sort of glazed over until the bullying started. At one point you ask Toma if he's your boyfriend and he lies out of his ass and says that he is when really you're not dating anyone. How trustworthy! Her and Toma are out at one point and some bitch tries to drop a potted plant on her head and fails so Toma runs off to try and punch a hoes lights out. At that point Toma says it's dangerous to be alone so take him. Also apparently people are putting nasty shit in her mailbox and a crazy guy that looks like N from Pokemon (Maybe I made the right choice naming her Rosa after BW2's female protag) tells her shes gonna die and Toma sees this and the madness begins.

get out of my personal space
Toma says it'd be better if Rosa stays over at his house while the bullying starts to die down and forbids her from going outside. They go out shopping for some clothes because grabbing shit from her house is too  あぶない and he gets to see you in your underwear when some lady thinks he's your boyfriend and  makes you try some on lol. They get home and do zip next to nothing.  I'm sure Toma was doing assignments or something at first but then sneaks in some sabotage online because unbeknownst to Rosa, some bitch brigade is posting her pics on some sorta Craigslist compensated dating shit site.

 Eventually Orion's like "Hey, you should go to your house." While he's out and she sees all the bullcrap going on and reads messages telling her to die in a fire and PMs from sleazebags that want to take her to a love hotel and that( ´_ゝ`) Rosa of course thinks she's dating Toma, so the messages telling her to break up makes her think he's seeing some other hoes when he goes out of the house when really he's going to her house every day to clean out her mailbox and delete all the messages she's getting.

Toma actually arrives to her place for the daily coverup and is not pleased to see her.  Orion realized that the next day Toma's gonna see that you read your emails and so you try and do shit afterwards that keeps him home to avoid him noticing. Eventually he starts to think no matter what he says to Rosa, she's just going to run away again and if it's to make  you safe he'll be problematic even if you'll hate him for it and boy does he. 

Do you see that drug he's slipping her? WHAT A ROMANTIC SCENE
He starts the deep descent by giving her coffee he had laced with a sleeping pill, so pretty much immediately after drinking the coffee Rosa passes out. She wakes up just in time for dinner that Toma has *~lovingly*~ prepared for her that also has that good ol sleeping pill in it. This continues for a bit until Orion yells at her to wake her up and tells her he saw Toma putting sleeping shit into her food and demands her to not eat or drink anything he makes. Shortly afterwards SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER Shin is visiting. Shin is another of Rosa and Toma's childhood friends and Toma lowkey hates him for being able to so naturally show that he has feelings for Rosa.

Anyways, Shin barges in and sees Rosa in his bed and is like what the fuck is going on man? And Toma goes on to say he can't trust in anyone to protect her, not even Shin and Shin almost punches his lights out but gets stopped. Toma goes on to say he'll explain what the dealio is as long as he goes outside with him or he won't say shit and kick him out lol. IDK why but at this point I thought when they went out Toma shanked Shin because I couldn't think up how Toma would be able to explain his wacky adventures to Shin but apparently he didn't kill him. 

Apparently Rosa was being rebellious and he knew she wasn't eating her food that big brother so lovingly prepared so he kisses her while forcing her to swallow another sleeping pill. When she wakes up she finds him staring at her and comes to realize SHE'S BEEN MOVED TO A ZOO. Toma took his insanity up another notch and snuck in a cage while you were conked out and put you in it so now you're his personal gorilla-chan ( ´_ゝ`)

He even looks turned on by this
Rosa's pretty much prisoner now so she has to comply and wear his clothes and take showers in handcuffs while he watches her (He says he's not but I KNOW YOU HAD TO YOU LIAR) If you're doin' good after a shower she touches his face and he's like the hell are you flirting with me? And goes on to say he could never have you cause he's a shit. Well you're not wrong about that Toma wwww.

So while playing zoo, Rosa starts to remember that she had feelings for this wacko and was trying to get him to like her but as always he's a shit in denial about his feelings and she thought he only saw her as his sister. She apparently got this manwhore named Ikki to help her out by giving her tips and beauty advice or something and apparently he has a huge bitch brigade fanclub who thought she was asking him out or some shit hence the bullying lol. But what does Rosa do with this new info? NOTHING.  WTF? She continues this until one day Orion and her discover a defect in his cage while shes leaning on it and Orion gets her to break out of gay baby jail and to run for help. She tries to go to Meido no Shitsuji where  she works at but some bitch on a motorcycle tries to run over her and now shes too injured or some shit so she starts to go back home into her cage.

THAT'S  THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE SEEN. You think he's not gonna notice you're hurt? How the FUCK are you going to explain how you got THAT hurt while being in a cage? If I were Rosa I would get the FUCK out of dodge!! But apparently she has Stockholm Syndrome.

Toma comes home and, pretty much almost rapes Rosa until she reads her diary that magically fell in his line of vision. He finds out she's a fruit loop too cause she likes a crazy guy like him, they confront the bitch brigade, and Orion makes like a rat and scampers away after saying you have terrible taste in men. PREACH! Orion even says so at certain parts of the game and he'd originally trusted Toma but when he started with the sleeping pill shit Orion changed his mind and knew Toma was a fruit loop.

Our resident Kuudere

Heart World (Shin Route)

Shin is what I'd call a good starting route for first time players.
You begin his route waking up in a hospital which once again sends Orion in a panic. Apparently you were there before losing your memories though, by the bandages and pain in your neck. Orion and you manage to pass off the amnesia for the most part as a side effect of the accident to mostly everyone. Shin reveals himself to be your boyfriend, and is actually telling the truth. 

Shin quickly finds out you have Amnesia due to how different you're acting and helps you out like a proper boyfriend would. His first course is to help you get accustomed to work and you go back to work as a way to make it faster to remember things. You start off by practicing your lines with him and he starts to blush when you call him master (i would too tbh)

Sooo at this point Rosa doesn't even know  what happened to her regarding her accident. All she knows is she had one and it was pretty serious. She manages to wrangle out that she had fallen off a cliff while on a trip to Shinano. She was with Shin at the time and no one else late at night, Shin came running in about how she had fallen and gathered a search party to find her. He tells her while they's lighting sparklers at a coworker event that his father killed a man while he was drunk and no one ever thought well of Shin as a result. It was an accident, but his father was branded a murderer since it WAS still manslaughter and the son of a murder has to naturally also be a murder, right?

Shin goes on to try and clear his name as the one that pushed Rosa off the cliff by setting up a Phoenix Wright scene at Shinano where she had fallen and invited all the people that were there. He also lures Rosa into the forest and assaults her, telling her this is what happened that night and Rosa almost runs off again off the cliff from embarrassment. Rosa gets a memory of Shin being there for her when she fell of the cliff and then leaving but everyone else including Shin say he wasn't there underneath the cliff which makes her think that he might have done it on purpose.

Kissing is okay but hand holding? UNACCEPTABLE.
Rosa finds out though that it was Toma the yanyan that knocked her out and moved her body. Unfortunately Toma as a yanyan is not delicious like the biscuit stick.  When she'd fallen off the cliff he was there to help but she mistook him for Shin and called for him. Toma, of course having a crazy crush on her, gets insanely jealous and knocks her out. Toma continues to play dumb about it though until Shin sets him up by making Rosa stall him and get his shoes or some shit.

Remembering this separated her from Orion which wasn't as sad as I thought it'd be, it was pretty anti-climactic. She finally admits she remembers him there and Toma crumbles and says he'll turn himself in but that it was a dick move because Shin pretty much forced Toma to admit he loved her. He'd rather they just never acknowledge it just like in his route because he's a baby that can't ever admit that he likes her ( ´_ゝ`)
After Toma gives it up and reports himself in  while Shin and Rosa go off for a romantic walk or w/e. Rosa actually starts to talk more and she wants Shin to be more affectionate and say he loves her but Shins like "I already do that shit bro" and Rosas like "You say it along with an insult like 'you're annoying but i love you' and never just say it" and also that he never held her hand. Shin says hand holding is UNACCEPTABLE and goes all kuudere like bro you went to first base already, hand holding should be BEFORE kissy times and wanting to have sexy times in a forest.

He reluctantly holds her hand and says he loves her and they go off off and awaaay.
Bitch Brigade the thrilling saga

Spade World (Ikki Route)

Spade world is more like watch your back before you get stabbed by a hoe route. The thing with the route is that in the end I liked Ikki but the fact that Rosa has amnesia and Ikki's behavior confused her for more than half the damn game made it take long to sympathize. I understand why of course, because Rosa can't exactly tell anyone she has amnesia until she trusts them enough but it felt like I was finally getting into the route right at the end.

Rosa looks like she just wants to die in this cg to me

In Spade world, Rosa and Ikki became boyfriend and girlfriend two months ago and Ikki keeps saying that they only have one month left together for him to make her fall for him. The thing is that Ikki asked Rosa out or something but she hates his guts and doesn't put out and have sex with him like all his other fangirlz. It's a shock because his eyes are magical seducing eyes that attract every girl to him the moment they lock eyes with him. It's sort of implied that he got his eyes by wishing and a god granted it, but never explicitly said, you just kinda put two and two together.

As Rosas running around watching a movie with the guy who keeps wanting to ravish her in the dark like a total creep, she's supposed to be reporting on something to someone, but the thing is... she doesn't know who she's supposed to report to. It's not her work place so she puts it off until someone texts her about it and that sets off the BITCH BOMB. A bunch of hoes gather around Ikki every time Rosa goes to see him and they have to meet and private and other bullcrap because of this. On top of that whenever Rosa sees him in public, Ikkyu acts like a dick in front of her to please the fans. He's doing this so they won't bully her but it's still such shit to be treated like that wwww. So really the only time Ikki isn't a dick to you is in private like when you two go view stars together or when Ikki gets so shit faced you go to his house with him and he nearly assaults you but Rosa doesn't want that so Ikki lets it go lmao. You also meet his nerd friend Kent and the two of them have math battles where Kent makes up a problem sheet for Ikki to complete. The little etc CGs you get for this was pretty funny XD

Ikki often talks to you about how you were the only one that wasn't affected by his eyesight and how the one person he wishes it would work on, doesn't, This brings some turmoil because she starts to believe the only reason he's going after Rosa is because his medusa eyes don't work on her but surprise!! They did!! It's just Rosas dad is a huge manwhore himself so through the power of rage she was able to break out of the manwhore spell and actually think for herself!! You go girl! Honestly when you get insight into Rosa's personality in this route I really came to like her in this world because she wasn't a Mary Sue like with Toma or a Dead Fish like she was for Shin's route. It was refreshing to see her so strong willed in her memories to say the least.
That guy in the corners got something to do when he gets home

The month get's shorter and shorter and Rosa's manwhore of a daddy shows up at her work unannounced and starts heckling her about how she'd be unable to afford living in the area and how they said that he was going to stop paying for her rent and going to have to move in with him and his fourth wife at the start of September. Rosa of course has a spirit bug in her head so Ikki steps in and says that you're going to live with him! Sugar Daddy gets pissed because how dare his daughter that is old enough to live on her own room with a man! He can't even be financially covered!! But Ikkis probably swimming in money from his fangirls and shit so he says he's perfectly fine financially and throws a threat about his standing at Rosas dad lol.

It's then Rosa realizes the jigg is up and she needs to tell starry eyes that she can't remember shit. Ikki gets a little emo about how she didn't tell him and Rosa then gets some trigger about how she was in the fanclub and tells Ikki about how the tits mcgee leader threatens to kill her and other stuff that can lead you to a bad end along his route. You also remember the three month thing was the bitch brigades fault and had a set of rules to where you're in some crazy ass ranking system and the higher you are the more eligible to confess to Ikkyu-sama but you can only do it for three months while reporting daily to them all the juicy details or else you're gonna get bullied or even shanked son! Rosas reluctant to tell Ikki but he finds out and tells them to eat shit and he drags heroine out to a train station to kiss her in front of everyone?? Ew, PDA. And then they get a place and all is good unless you do the bad or normal endings (the normal was honestly pretty bittersweet imo? lol) 

I wish the bitch brigade wasn't so prominent throughout his route to the end because seeing them as a labulabu couple would be wonderful?! Like I said I only started to really like his route near the end where he breaks up the brigade and you find out he's a victim in all this and not a crazy manwhore. 

Kent the belt loving fuck

Clover World (Kent Route)

Kent was honestly one of the more fulfilling routes in this game. You really FEEL that you're playing an otome game. If all the routes too serious business or bitches got you down no worries! Kent is pretty much bitch free! Also if you hate bad ends where your guy goes OOC and goes (The one Ikki bad end comes to mind) also don't worry! Kent is too pure for this world. It's kind of funny for me to talk about him honestly because he's reached meme status among my friends and I. So many belts....! He's got more belts than the typical Final Fantasy character! Right off the bat before I do his route overview im gonna say: I fully recommend playing his route!
Kent crush little girl head

Anyways, Rosa and Kent first met when Kent was teaching her class math. Everyone was like wow what a hot sensei! It's then everyone learned Kents their age. Honestly the event was supposed to be for Ikki to teach them so they could fangirl over him but he asked Kent. Everyone was just expecting cool times with pimp so I guess they were a bit disappointed when Kent came in for serious math times.

I honestly really don't want to even spoil his route for the most part-- It's just so sweet! Like, Kents the ONLY guy in the game that actually introduces you to his parents, and the'yre as much of a calculating logic based nerd as he is. Or, what he was before he met Rosa. When he'd met her at the lesson he sort of instantly fell for her and kinda lowkey stalked her to the point of seeing that she walked her dog Kuro on the same graveyard path as he did so he makes it a point to  meet up with her on her daily walks~ At one point he expresses that his biochemical makeup deems her as an attractive mate and that he wishes to have babies with her, to which freaks her out and she starts asking if he loves her. He says no. That pisses Rosa off.

Their exchanges go on for awhile and he doesn't realize he fell in love with her until one day her dog just keeps being a cockblock that he starts to internally wish the guy would die. BOM. Wish granted. The dog gets run over and turns Rosa into a crying mess. Now Kents still kind of insensitive so he says that it's Rosa's fault for not being a better owner and to learn her mistakes for next time. Rosa's obviously upset because dude her dog JUST died and is in the animal hospital. He feels so bad about this that when she loses her memory he keeps saying how he wishes she'll never remember that day. Oh yeah, and since Kent is just such a pure boy, you're pretty fast to tell him you have Amnesia and he takes it like a bro! He doesn't even believe in Orion but carries out a convo with him via notes you write which I thought was really cute.
"I was the one that ate your pudding cup"
Kent has a huge presentation near the end of the month and you almost immediately find out about that at the start of his route and often times Rosa's visiting him at his college clubs room while he works on charts or whatever. When it's time for his presentation Rosa finds out he forgot something at home and both you and Orion think it's a GREAT idea to pick it up for him. You wind up getting almost run over. ( ´_ゝ`)

This part honestly made me feel like crying because it says someone pushes you so that you don't get run over and you quickly find out its Ukyo. Yknow, the guy thats constantly threatening or warning you about death and bad ends! So yeah I honestly cried twice when I initially thought it was Ukyo and then when they confirmed Ukyo died. Depending on your affection Kent will either run to the hospital RIGHT AWAY or after his presentation. Honestly his normal end was pretty sweet but his good end was just so!!! Heart pounding!! You go to LONDON with him! And he's not wearing that lame belt get-up!! It's like an angel was watching over us at that part... Kent honestly your regular clothes aren't very fashionable and I can see why girls aren't really into you in the game world www.

Like I've said, their exchanges are just really cute and I feel I'd ruin it If I went on about it, but take it from me. Kent was like a breath of fresh air. There's only one bad end where you die, and they had to make Ukyo do it since Kent would never hurt you and theres no bitch brigade on your ass. There's a slight misunderstanding with Mine, but you two quickly make up since it was a dumb misunderstanding on her part XD

Ukyos route is basically Kagerou Days the otome

Joker World (Ukyo Route)

Okay so first off all I'm gonna say this: Ukyo's route is only unlocked after you get all of the guys' good endings. IT doesn't matter if you haven't gotten any bad ends or not but you DEFINITELY need to have gotten everyone's good end. So obviously spoilers ahead for well, a lot of stuff.

As previously stated, Ukyo is the last route in the game to play and there's a good reason why. The reason the heroine has amnesia in the first place is because of Ukyo. Basically in his world (Joker) you and Ukyo were dating. But not for long. On August 1st, you die in an explosion at your college and stay in the hospital until the 25th, where you die. Ukyo was so saddened by this, he made a wish to the gods to see you one more time. Queue some Madoka-shit and we've got a route! If you paid attention in some of the routes Orion might have mentioned his creator, a god named Nhil. He went missing prior to your meeting with Orion and here's why. He's inside Ukyo making sure to grant his wish. And if he can't grant humans wishes his power will dull until he... dies? I guess? Anyways, it's a big deal to make sure Ukyo's wish is granted.

Sleeping hobo
But poor Ukyo can't catch a break. Nhil can't exactly rewind time so he actually sends Ukyo to different worlds. And THAT's why Ukyo knows so much about whats going on. He's been to a world where you get with Shin, Ikki, etc before. Unfortunately in each world the two of you have this sort of 'Fate of Death' thing going on where in each world only one of you is alive, and if either tries to live in the world  they're fated to be dead in, the world goes bonkers trying to kill you with anything possible. So Ukyo keeps dying, and Nhil keeps sending him to alternate worlds to fulfill his wish. Eventually something in Ukyo snaps and he forms a split personality (Ura Ukyo) who wants self preservation more than seeing Rosa alive and makes it his duty to kill Rosa.

So to recap, in every route you play? Ukyo dies. That revelation made Kent's route even more of a tearjerker at Ukyo's death. Ukyo continues to travel worlds until Nhil realizes that, shit, he's running out of magic. So he decides to actually REWIND time at last in his original world and pray the two of you get out of it in one piece. So Ukyo finally becomes Homura except a lot better. His route had SEVEN bad ends, all easily avoidable if you just listen to him. Beautiful. Most of his route is trying to not be killed and also to find out what happened with the two of you before the time loop because, yknow. Amnesia. But not only are you avoiding explosions, falling pipes from the sky, or dying of hypothermia. Ukyo himself is obviously a danger to you. At one point he handcuffs himself after you ask him to stay over so that he wont switch to Ura and kill you.

As the day of your actual death (August 25th) Comes closer, Ukyo seems to come more and more aware that he's probably going to have to die and starts telling you not to see him again. On the 24th you search him out because it sounds like he's about to kill himself in his latest text but the bitch brigade were tricking you so they could put you in a shrine and shoot fire works about it. Talk about unholy. You almost die in a fire (Fuck you firemen!) But escape. You still have problems with your lungs though. Eventually you find Ukyo and come face to face with the terror known as your school. The two of you tried to find shelter because uh, a typhoon started to strike. But everywhere you could find water was piling up and you two would have died from the cold if you weren't inside somewhere.
Too sweet to make a joke 

UNFORTUNATELY your house isn't close so you two take refuse in the college that you died in an explosion at! Great idea! ( ´_ゝ`) Ukyo snaps into Ura and tries to kill you by lighting the building on fire and chasing after you with a knife. Though rrrrrreally slowly.  He manages to catch you and start choking you, but the good part in him holds his hands back and gives you a chance to escape. You do, but eventually he's there with his knife again. Right before the clock strikes midnight you think he's gonna kill you but nope! Good Ukyo stabs himself and starts to cry over how now he can finally see you live on happy since in all the other worlds he died before this point. You don't accept this and keep telling him that he will not die! The clock strikes midnight and Rosa has a moment of silence...

Honestly I burst out in tears even though I knew it was coming ;v; BUT he's not dead. He starts to move even after midnight and you all are like YEAH. Nhil reveals himself to you and starts telling you all the shit I already said about Orion and Ukyo. It's then the two of you go back to being a lovely couple and get ready for shopping to buy a new mirror since Ukyo broke yours the day before you died in the original timeline. Hey does that mean the reason Rosa died was because Ukyo got seven years of bad luck...?

Bonus bonus bonus! As the two of you are out you drop something and a boy calls out to you that you dropped something! When Rosa turns around it's human versions of Orion and Nhil!!!! Oh my godddd. I cried. Their farewell in Ukyos route was honestly heartbreaking and heartwarming in comparison to the others where it was mostly just "lol k bye" so to see him again was ^p^

Honestly I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ukyo. He's always been my favorite even in the anime. I was so glad that my feelings for him didn't change to the point I sort of went out and bought some Ukyo merch in celebration. He's just had such a tough life as a result of Rosa's death and I... JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY DAMNIT. I wish we could have seen them living in normal labulabu more honestly... I love them as a pair to the point I might even go to say they're an OTP of mine...?  I hope we get Later x Crowd translated so we can see some more happy Ukyo!!!!!

Final Thoughts

What a game. I've always honestly had a fondness for Amnesia after watching the anime and always hoped for the game to be translated. I couldn't be more happier. There are some faults with Amnesia. Those that don't like more serious plots, or seeing your character die, I wouldn't really recommend it. Some routes can creep out people. I've seen people say Shins too forceful along with Ikki but Ikki in a more sexual way. And then Tomas route is just filled with problematic scenes. This otome's not really for those light of heart. But if you can stomach it, it's one of the best otome games out on the market. I'd go so far as to say Amnesia IS the face of otome games.

The storyline is truly intriguing, especially if you unlock the last route, and the likeliness you'll cry at at least SOMETHING is pretty high I'd say. Mai Hanamuras art is also stunning. I mean. Just... look at it? Hanamura is definitely one of the best otome artists that's for damn sure. I'd recommend the vita release over the Steam release for those with a vita for a variety of reasons. The vita version is supporting IF a bit more and on top of that, the Steam versions mini game of Air Hockey is just plain BROKEN. It kept lagging and it was almost impossible to beat everyone under those circumstances. I even emailed IF about it and they tried to help me but with no luck I'm afraid. For those that are completionists or just want the CG for beating three of the guys in both mini-games that bit of info can be crucial. I honestly have no idea how I managed to beat all of them in the steam release.

If you can look past the more disturbing part of the game (And if you're unsure but don't want to be spoiled too much I can even give you TW's in the comments) I'd say you DEFINITELY need to buy Amnesia: Memories if you are an otome fan.