Friday, February 26, 2016

[Kusoge Review] Persona 4 Dancing All Night

I told myself not to review anything outside the otome genre... But Persona 4 Dancing All Night obviously wouldn't let me do that oh no. All reviews I've seen have actually had the gall to recommend this. And I guess, If Persona 4 is your favorite game series ever, it's hard to tell you not to. But myself being a huge Persona fanboy, along with all things SMT and most ATLUS games, myself? I wish I could have gotten my money back.

Story Mode

Most people I've seen praise DAN for it's narrative being like the other persona games, and, yeah I can see that, but at the same time, I'm sitting here going

First of all, the game is supposed to take place after, not only the first game, but also the fighting game spinoff series. And yet the character development from both is torn out the window. You could SAY "Hey maybe player-kun didn't max their social links!" to explain the original game, but making the characters clueless over key storyline points that can't be avoided in Arena just tells me "Did they actually read their source material? This feels more like a fanfiction." And I know what everyone thinks. Persona? Fanfiction? Persona Q! Well that game at least had a reason to not have character development. Because it was before a bunch of shit happened. But what boggles me is why the hell would you set a game after key parts only to completely IGNORE that they happened? Milking, dear watson, milking. If the games story told me anything it's that ATLUS just wants people to shill out money so they can watch their waifus twerk it on the big screen (ft. Miku Hatsune! That'll get the Vocaloid fanboys to shill too, right?!) 

The new characters that the story is centered upon all have the same format as all the other battles in mainline, being that theres something they suppress about themselves, and the shadows put them out in the open. Shadows take on the identity of what society expects of them, and it actually in that regard, gave you an interesting look at the idol industry in Japan. Let me tell you, the idol industry in Japan is hella fucked up. You can't date anyone because you gotta be pure and live only to please your fans. At least in America idols can date yeesh. While it's a given that being an Idol means you have to watch what you say, in this case, they are suppressing who they are to be who the fans expect them to be, which is nowhere near who they truly are. Personally, I'd rather someone I love to be honest about who they are, because if you're fake, then my feelings for you weren't even truly real because I wasn't looking at you as who you are, and only what I want you to be.

With that said you might think "Oh the characters are so complex!" They.... really  aren't. Kanamin is a socially inept nerd thats a leader of the idols and the storys whole plot point is how she wants to make friends but she's such a pussy to even try. What surprises me is how in the first place she got the leader position compared to the other girls with her crippling nerd girl disorder. She also somehow manages to block out seeing the death of an idol she admired and became an idol to be, to the point possessions the idol had she inherited she forced herself into believing they were hers, but she never even looked into it to see what the fuck they said. It feels like convenient placement to make us like her and to put in A TWEEST. Oh poor Kanamin she has no friends and she's a nerd! Just like me!

One girl is a total Fujoshi gamergirl that just wants to be under her blankets all the time but the fanbase thinks she's a sexy slut so she's gotta act like a sexy slut. Excuse me but do you even respect yourself at ALL? 

One girl is a total hillbilly that curses or something and the otaku crowd want her to be this cutesy lil loli thats stupid as fuck when she's actually pretty smart. This one makes a bit more sense, and I can sympathize with her a little bit, it's one of the lesser what the fuck thoughts for me, cause I've acted far younger than I am due to my appearance purely so I wouldn't have to explain that I'm in my twentys and get apologies and questions about my physical deficiency's for the 50000th time of my life.

Then Nozomi is a prince type but she's actually terrible at being a prince and stutters alot back stage and I understand the whole "It's acting and doing that shows you're an actor" but she acts more like she gets possessed and has no idea how she could be like that on stage. ????

Did I cover everyone here? Alright. The huge spoiler tried to be a HUGE TWEEST but it just made Kanami's character look even stupider in the end. I remember playing it and being all "WOWIE ZOWIES THAT PLOT TWIST." But then I looked at it more objectively and I'm like "You couldn't do that any other way? Magical fanfiction powers activate!"

Dancing Mode

Ah, everyones thinking. The reason why this game is made. Dancing! They did fine with the fighting games so dancing is fine too, right? No. It's just meaningless eyecandy. Yeah you can go WOWIEEEE THOSE MODELS ARE SO GOOD. THEY ALL HAVE DIFFERENT DANCES FOR EACH SONG!! But then you realize the only songs you get are Story Mode Songs and a bonus song if You buy Margarets item at the shop. Other than that, everything's DLC. The Rhythm segments were great, I thought it would be like Project Diva, and it pretty much is, but it also felt like LLSIF for me with the layout setup or whatever you call it. Dragging, double notes, etc. Dances are customizable through items and game settings to make it easier or harder. If the sounds annoy you, you can turn it off but the visuals? If the visuals distract you tough luck man. The thing is, with rhythm games, having too much going on, gets you distracted. If the backgrounds going everywhere in one second, how the hell will you keep up with the notes? Well, the layout is at least less random than Project Divas notes felt, and less blaring as, say, Idolish. The color changes for one help with this, but it can still be distracting.

Main Problem: Track set, Track number amount and DLC

I know that it will have DLC, that's the fact of life. But the amount of clothing for such a low amount of actual songs? Why? At least have more songs available in mainline. All the DLC songs I got don't include a new dance with the character models, it's some anime thing or some shit. Wowie zowies whats the point then. I gotta replay this song 5 hundred times to get my kicks out of the costumes I bought! And another thing here, They have DLC for all the Storyline songs. Yeah! You gotta pay money, to play a storyline song! "Oh but it has a special music video instead of the character models!" FUCK. OFF. That doesn't excuse it. That should never excuse this. Project Mirai lets you switch between PV and character models for no fucking price so why does DAN, which partnered with Project Divas staff, do this?

 THEY WANT ALL YOUR FUCKING MONEY THAT'S WHAT. NO. FUCK OFF. And those DLC characters? Have fun playing one song with them and being unable to equip them as partners in other songs and never being able to pair them with whoever the fuck you want them to dance with! FUCK. YOU. GIVE ME MONEY. as to quote Atlus. Track sets? Hope you enjoy Heaven, cause Heavens on this hella small list 3 fucking times. And some songs don't even get remixes. WHY. WHEN YOU ADVERTISE YOUR GAME AS "DANCING GAME WITH SONG REMIXES" DON'T DO THIS. VARY YOUR SONG CHOICES, MAKE THEM REMIXES. I don't wanna play the boring ass Persona 4 Golden song when I pay money for Maries DLC, I want a new Remix GODDAMN. 

In closing

The fruit is more Persona 4 games and the gods are ATLUS

Why the everloving fuck am I writing this. If you love Persona 4 so much that your farts say "unBEARable." Then you must have already bought and playthroughed this shilling cash prize cow (KANAMIN IS ACTUALLY AN EMBODIMENT OF THE PERSONA 4 FRANCHISE?!)  I bet you that if you bought and enjoyed this, if atlus pooped a turd on you but put Yu Narukami's face on it you'd thank them because at least it was ATLUS shitting on you and at least you got to see Yu Narukami right? That's basically what this game is.

I preordered and 100% this a week after it came out, but it was  only until a recent playthrough of Persona 4 Golden that I realized how much of a flaming turd this game is. Do yourself a favor and replay Golden if you think this shit is good and look at it objectively afterwards to see the error of your ways, like I am doing now with this review.

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