Monday, February 8, 2016

[Otome Game Review] Seduce Me the Otome

Getting Seduced by Incubi? Why does this sound familiar...

Repetitive titles for the win!!!

Ahem, this is an otome game I've had my eyes on for awhile now but never got around to actually playing it until around November, and I was pretty slow even then X,D I think it's the art style that caught me off. The anatomy's fine for the most part but the faces looked really bad at certain points! The main thing that kept me going was the voice acting. In fact, it's what got me interested in it. Seiyuus nice, but I always had a fondness for english voice actors and would like more otome games to get an english dub (outside of anime versions that usually will get dubbed....) And I've always wanted to be a voice actor and did some amateur fandubbing myself so I really appreciate the effort they put into this game.

It's a bit ironic that in October I was playing an otome game (Cute Demon Crashers) about Incubus and a Succubus and here I am in February reviewing another game with about the same setting.  They may have a lot of the same choices in it, but Seduce Me and Cute Demon Crashers are very different in tone and what they mean to accomplish. Seduce Me is more of a forbidden love story with deep lore while Cute Demon Crashers is more of a nukige, I'd actually compare Seduce Me's Plot more to DiabolikLovers with a dash of Shin Megami Tensei thrown into the mix. Looks like Incubi are becoming the new Vampires in the world of otome...


Basically the plot is you play as a girl named Mika Anderson, whos grandfather is C.E.O of the Anderson Toy Company. Her dad is really strick with her about her becoming the next C.E.O. Shortly while she's at school with her two galpals, she gets called out of class and it's discovered her Grandfather is dead and they must have a funeral IMMEDIATELY. Because her dad has NO CHILL. While at the funeral  his will says his mansion goes to Mika and her dad throws one of his usual bitch fits at Mika and then says she must move into his mansion IMMEDIATELY. Because her dad HAS NO CHILL. CHILL IS NON-EXISTENT(Unless you get the forever alone ending).

So when she moves into the place she finds a bunch of hot guys bleeding after breaking into her house. They say they got in a fight and they had no choice but to break in. It's then that one of the guys, Sam, kisses her, he has no chill too, and makes her freak out. She asks what the hell is wrong with them, and they say they're not exactly normal and she learns that they are DEMONS THAT FEED OFF OF *~SEXUAL ENERGY*~ When Sam kissed her it was to take her energy to heal him, and while she's not believing their shit, Erik kisses her too to show her their incubus' with his mind altering spell. This may have a similar plot line to Diabolik Lovers in more ways than one but after that none of the guys assault her, and ask her permission for her energy. (Incubus' sure do respect others consent I've noticed in these otomes)

The main plot of the game is the same for the most part, and branches on who Mika chose, so this review is actually going to be pretty simple. The game is split up into basically 4 parts. Choosing to get an Incubus boys ending, Choosing to be lesbians with Mika's friend or not blow off Andrew and live a normal live, or the alternate alone endings that branch along with Diana's route. So I'll give a brief summary of the main linear story.

Once she gets settled in with the boys her dad makes her throw a party IMMEDIATELY. Because her DAD HAS NO CHILL. The night before the party she has a dream about some guy with a funny voice (I know he's supposed to sound intimidating but the way he worded things just made me laugh along with his laugh)  and it seems to imply that he kills Mika. After the party the devil by the name of Malix crashes her place and tried to kill them but he's stupid in many ways. 1:) He only has one person to back him up against five demons and 2:) There's a barrier on the place so that Hellbourne devil's cant use their magic, making them essentially the same level as humans.

One thing I really enjoyed was all the demonica represented here. They made a clear distinction between Demons and Devils, which, as a huge Shin Megami Tensei fan that got into reading up on demons, this really made me happy. They also have Angels, Vampires, etc. On top of that theres a Chaos or Law ending which just had me screaming "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI" Especially since the Chaos ending reminded me of the first Devil Survivor game bad.

As you carry on with romancing the demons or hanging out with your potential lesbians, Malix eventually gets you while outside and kidnaps you. He's still really bad despite getting a bunch of devils to help and you manage to beat him however you choose. Afterwards you get more sexy time with an Incubus or lesbians and another Succubus winds up sneaking in your room at night. This is Diana and she's sort of the antagonist if you're playing the Incubus' route, or I suppose the anti-hero. Her route lets you learn alot about what led up to the events of the game, but the Incubus also tell you a bit about why they wanted to leave the demon world.

Diana starts telling Mika that the Incubus are Princes of the Abyssal Plains and that she's contracted to be whoever is next in lines bride (because she's incredibly strong and the Demon Lord decided instead of attacking her to  get her power to be his own) and tries getting the others to leave but they hated the Plains and just want to be in the human world as a family away from his dad that banged at least five chicks to make children :,-) All the boys have issues thanks to his dads manwhoring ways as a result (The end of my Dialovers comparison) The worst being Damien who's route made me feel terrible for him. And double when I read up on the sequel to this game.

The boys never got to be close to each other, but they loved being together, and Damien and Matthew started getting into the human world after talking to a certain old man (wink wink) that opened a portal for them to move to the human world in (wink wink wink) Won't go any further than this as it splits up around here with the routes, and the routes weren't very long or unique to review them individually.

Final Thoughts

This game was pretty fun in my first run through, which was Matthews. It's when you get to playing a second time that the blaring issue becomes obvious. The game is full of copypasta, meaning, it's a skip fest. On top of that, the Incubus' routes all had a similar formula to them, especially when compared to the human routes. The characters all respond the same, despite being completely different characters. "Moments of "Intimacy" with the Incubus had the same dialog for Mika's inner narration, and the guys all acted the same. Basically, it was a copypasta. 

The hugest thing I found funny was they kept the "His hands were shaking as he undressed me... Was this his first?" For Erik, because I neverrrr would have thought he'd be a virgin with how much of an "ideal incubus" he is. But they did explain Incubus didn't need to have sex in their world, only when they came to the human world so MEH. I'd reccomend only playing one Incubus, one human, and Diana's route because it can get really boring playing through the copypasta plot in a row, and you get to learn a good amount of the games lore by doing those 3. The game does have a deep lore that you'd need to do each characters routes to find out, but imo it's too boring to playthrough multiple times to be worth it.

I understand this game was made in a rush. Apparently a lot of it was done in only a month. And it's got a lot of this "Quality, while simultaneously not being Quality" air to it. I love that theres so many choices you can make, but I wish you had a bit more for each characters routes instead of them all having the same copy and paste format for the most part. I'm really hoping Michaela learned that having a copypasta plot isn't very fun for multiple playthroughs in Seduce Me 2:The Demon Wars, and it seems to be so, since you start from the end  of each characters ending.

I think Seduce Me is a good game, and well worth one to three playthroughs. Due to the amount of copy pasta it has, unless you're an achievement whore, I wouldn't really recommend playing through any more than that. The backgrounds were really well done, along with the voice acting. Some characters sounded a bit weird to me (Malix, Naomi, Mika's mom) But for the most part, it sounded really good and well done. Some spoken dialog didn't follow with the text, but it's not as bad as what I've seen playing Devil Survivor 2 Break Record, and seems more like a typo error in comparison. The art for CG's is nice, but can get the same derpy quality as the sprites have.

I also think this is an otome game guys can enjoy (I mean, I'm a guy in the first place so) with how you don't need to be romantic with the guys at all, can get romantic with the girls, or if you give no fucks about romance, can pursue the "My Freedom" "My Kingdom" or "Pure. Innocent. Ignorant" ends. Theres a little something for everybody.

For a free game, Seraphim entertainment outdid themselves in a lot of ways, and I do think it's an experience you should enjoy, if only once and not multiple times. I know I for one, am excited for Seduce Me 2: The Demon Wars.

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